
Review Detail of Morkez in Hadrian Black : The Abandoned Prodigy 你好,我的名字

Review detail


An interesting take on the “Wrong boy who lived” genre. Writing quality is great as well as the stability of updates. Hardly any repeated content from the original works and brings forth the full magical world by exploring different aspects. A very interesting read. The beginning did confused me though, the MC appeared to have an elevated level of consciousness and thinking from a young age and somehow knew of the dark lord. This implied, to me, that the MC was somehow familiar with the original works before being born. However, that aspect was never fully explained. Aside from the above mentioned point, his development thereforth becomes consistent with him being unfamiliar with the world and just someone who works extremely hard. Hope his increased level of maturity is explored later as to why he developed so quickly as a child and the reason for his “genuis” self. Definitely recommended


Hadrian Black : The Abandoned Prodigy 你好,我的名字


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