
Review Detail of GodTierDragon in Ascenders Rift

Review detail


It started out with a bit of cliche, but this novel soon took a better more unique turn, haha, author-saman I've already found out that plot twist of yours but I won't dare share it with anyone, you did a really got job at masking it in chapter two haha. I even saw that someone else in the comments had found out. Anyways, back the review, in this story, characters ask questions, they won't go around killing you for just some random reason, every character have a story even the bad ones, the world feels rich enough due to authors writing style and descriptions, and there aren't any useless paragraphs, even when the peanut gallery is speaking their talking about useful content with the exception of those that have only one or two lines meant to add flavor. The supporting characters are as they called, supporting, they aren't useless and weak, even a so-called certain fatty, has his place, his own purpose and motivations, and skills. A fighting fatty :) As for the MC, I like his abilities, I won't go spoiling them here, it's pretty nice to see this kind of ability for a change. Still, while their are good points, there are still some downsides which I think can be improved over time, other than that, author-sama, well done.


Ascenders Rift


Liked by 8 people




Darn! So many smart readers, well at least you didn't spoil it :)