
Review Detail of Aeternabilis in Rise of the Zombie Apocalypse

Review detail


okay not to sound harsh but this is a **** version of the lords empire (when it was good) first of all you said he is reincarnated yes ? he may be in a different region and all but this still doesnt make an excuse for the mc being so fcking stupid. his decisions frankly piss me off. He doesnt take over a village ? why.. cause he wants to let it grow ? huh ? why not take it and grow it himself ? potentially leaving an enemy to grow. Another thing is his upgrade was done so sht it purely just doesnt make sense. He waited for like what a week to upgrade. He wanted to upgrade in a city so he doesnt grab attention. Fine. So why does when he goes to the city he doesnt upgrade ? he upgrades in a middle of a war and does completely the opposite of what he wanted. Then his attack on the two villages also is so stupid. He uses a spell beyond his own limits and it doesnt even work ? EVERYONE knows not to put all your eggs in one basket in case it fails. This is a war not a game. He should know plenty of that as he is reincarnated. He then goes and duels the enemy commanders himself after exhausting himself from using his magic and then is surprised atked by the enemy. Once again making me in awe of how stupid the mc is. Bottomline is the author is practically forcing the story along, leaving it unrefined af. Im acc in disbelief on how bad the chapters after chap 30 are. Before that I could deal with it, taking it as a worse lords empire/world building novel than most. Other than the annoying forceful writing at times I could still cope. Its just the author takes it to the extreme after this. My advice is the mc is reincarnated, he NEEDS to be more smart. You say he is from a different region yes. but he still has all that experience from when he was in that world. Also a MUST is the flow, you cant force the story like you are as frankly its sht to read. Gl with the work.


Rise of the Zombie Apocalypse


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oh yeah another thing his two generals and him should be tier 1 humans thats three. so why does only two of them upgrade ? once again changing what you previously wrote to suit a plot further along... one of the greatest things that the lords empire did really well was show the reactions of everyone when mc did something. When he became tier 1 you explained why yes but then when his general's upgraded, then would have been a perfect chance.


Too bad you don't like it. However seeing some of your problems with it I cannot help but feel you haven't paid much attention to it. It shoukd have been clear he likes to have fun, hence he didn't take over the entire village but messed with them instead. And hey, a few chapters later he still takes them over! Why didn't he upgrade in a city? Did you forget there were people that tried to assassinate them, there would still be a big sign since he is the first of his kingdom to be upgrading And lastly, indeed. He decided to try use the strongest spell he got. Its not like he could predict they had a way to stop it. It is too bad you don't like the novel as all I am really trying to do is make a story people enjoy.