
Review Detail of Weirdo in How (Not) to Summon a Archdemon

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I haven't read this, but I will keep it inside library and let it simmer under low medium heat until it's 50chapter... So hope you keep updating, we would await you and please, don't throw in the cliche 'My mother tongue is not English' sh1t.... It's an excuse for a loser, believe me... You may thought that I insult you, I can assure you that it's not. But you can't deny that's it's a lame excuse. If your English is bad, then write it down "My English is bad, so please be patient " or "I'm still in the middle of learning and improving my English through writing, so hope you understand"..This excuse would be better for my opinion. Don't just throw your mother tongue is not english just to justified your bad writing and grammar... It feel like insulting when you said that. And again, I'm not insulting or scolding you, just putting a bit of my personal opinion here..


How (Not) to Summon a Archdemon


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