They are deleting every 1 star review cuz "they all are trolls and aren't really doing reviews" but don't do anything to the hundreds of 5star reviews that don't say why they put max stars. Because of the unfairness of this website now only the high rated reviews are there, this novel had a score of 2.8 stars and overnight it became 4.4..
Liked by 13 people
LIKEI found myself suprisingly invovled in this topic even though I don't quite like confrontation. Something about how people hate on the site and not the story ticks me off. This is a review section, sure the positive reviews not all make sense, but its not like that makes the negative ones true. All in all the story overnight got bombed by a bunch of people complainin not about the story and it went from a score of 4 something into 2 something, then it got restored by deleting a bunch... now comes the mad people saying it was a score of 2.something ignoring that score was already after the hater wave. My issue with deleting all of the reviews is that people with 1 star reviews come back out of spite, but positive reviews are unlikely to even notice. So if you have a better way to fix a story getting dumped on by massive 0 chap reviews complaining about webnovel/this novel not being another novel or similiar very related to the story reviews, I'm all ears. Cause I expected them to delete the hate train and I would be really dissapointed if a hate train like that happened to other stories I like. Just imagine people bombing the score on your favorite novel and how would you feel if it was not because its a mediocre story but because people are convinced its a conspiracy from webnovel to screw over their readers.
Well at this point I don't know who is the worst one, the 1 star reviewers that give 1 star because their novel got delayed, the website for having a shi*tty voting pool system or the 5 star reviewers that give 5 stars and use bots for no reason(just search for the 'newest' reviews on the 3 page and you will see), or just the translator for not clarifying himself while deleting every 1 star review and letting the 5 star spam reviews here. Everything started with webnovel for not doing anything while being unfair for everyone, then the APS fans just hated this novel and spammed 1 stars reviews, then this novel's new fans just spammed 5 stars reviews and then it continued like that, and the translator didn't do anything except deleting 1 star reviews but not the spam 5 star reviews, that just angered every hater and worsened the thing.
Lmao you just proved them right yes? "They are deleting every 1 star review cuz they all are trolls and aren't really doing reviews" What do you call your review? 0 chapters read and not even reviewing the book. Also quite convenient for you to forget that when it was originally dropped it had 4+ score, then people got mad a translater wanted to translate it and spammed 1 star reviews. Now that they fixed it for the most part you're acting like the 2.8 score wasn't because of the wave of hate that came with it being picked to continue translations over others. Also a bit hypocritical of you to talk **** about the 5 stars but then do the exact same thing with 1 stars while encourging others to 1 star because what? its getting translated over something like plague doctor. thats my 2 cents
I don't want to hear that from you hypocrite(just look at your review of the novel) stop spouting nonsense, I put a 1 star review ? yeah you're blind just look at the score I gave, also I didn't encourage people to put 1 star(let me see where I encouragd spammers), I just pointed facts, they deleted every 1 star reviews while letting the 'good' reviews, there must have been many real 1 star 'reviews' among all the trolls and spammers but they deleted everything real reviews included(convenient excuse right) while keeping every 5 star spammers and saying nothing, also I'm neither a fan of plague doctor so read before spouting nonsense.
"I don't want to hear that from you hypocrite(just look at your review of the novel) stop spouting nonsense" thats like me calling out someone for being bad at a game, but because i'm also bad at the game that automatically means that I cant tell whose bad from good. Thats an example of what you're trying to say there. I've never claimed you were a fan of plague doctor did I? Although its my fault for being unclear, I was providing n example as to why it was getting hate. "I put a 1 star review ? yeah you're blind just look at the score I gave, also I didn't encourage people to put 1 star(let me see where I encouragd spammers)", is 1 star that much different than 1.5? You only gave it 1.5 so it wouldnt be deleted as you said, they deleted most one-star reviews that like yours doesnt review the book. I never said you encouraged spammers(I see how you would think that though), you misinterpreted that. It was meant to be interpreted as you encourged people to 1 star review not spam one-star review. As for your claim of them deleting real 1 star reviews, please provide evidence of that being the case. The people complaining about the reviews deleted in the cases I could find were complaining either about the trial/vote system, why did this novel get picked over novel x, or that this would delay the pet store book (they didn't even delay it.) Lastly, would you rather have the novel be bombed with 1 stars because of people complaining about nothing other than the 3 reasons above (oh as for real 1 star reviews, from what i see they're still there) Honestly speaking it was the right move for webnovel to make imo. I won't be replying anymore so feel free to whale your emotions and how do you say it? nonsense.
Oof, I got demolished here, well I'm sorry and thank you for explaining to me my errors, It's just that I was not there from the beginning so I didn't have the whole story so I missinterpreted the fact that 1 star reviews were deleted and blamed it on the novel and this website, thanks for clarifying, hope you'll forgive me for my agressive answers. But in the end the root of this whole problem is the voting pool selection system of webnovel that is flawed.