
Review Detail of Klevisa_Bashalli in Ten Thousand Ways to Win Sexy Guys' Hearts

Review detail


Full Review (I recommend reading the whole thing if you want actual insights) Warning: there warnings for spoilers I love this. My original thoughts included but were not limited to: “wow this artstyle is so bad,” ”the characters are so cringe,” “what the heck is happening,” “this is really not thought out,” and “sheesh, this writing is bad.” Why my original impression was very negative, by mid chapter two, it had me hooked. The plot didn’t make any sense to me, but I was intrigued about its conclusion and reasoning since everything seemed cliche. I wanted to figure this comic out, understand it’s plot and finally drop it. But I couldn’t. I sat three days straight in front of my screen, reading each chapter bit by bit, getting hooked on the plot and the characters even more. Not to mention the length of the chapters’ length 🤌🏻 The author likes to throw in such bizarre ideas that you just know add nothing to the story/plot, but then they do. What seems like a crazy idea coming from a toddler can make you wonder how didn’t I see that before. Of course, sometimes they do seem unnecesary and some are, but the magic of this comic is that everything has a place no matter how badly written or translated it is. On another note, the word choices/ translation doesn’t make the writer justice. The absolute brain power needed to create such a complex plot is not at all reflected in the writing and some of the panels of this piece. The artist also focuses a lot on smexy scenes, which can’t say I don’t like. However, the main pairing leaves a quite uncomfortable feeling as the female lead is 16, while the male lead is 24(?). Throughout the story, there is a lot of hints toward grooming since the leads (spoiler) are often in the situation where one is a child while the other is close to adulthood, or at the least 10. There are also mentions of incest, which becomes a main theme near the current end (chapter 172?), however it doesn’t necessarily point out that incest (parent/child relationship and later sibling/sibling) is wrong, which just might be author’s views, but it just doesn’t treat this topic with seriousness it deserves. I would also go as far to say that there was absolutely no need for these plot points and character traits. Nothing is added to the quality of the story because of these *particular* relationships; there is also no shock value needed to keep the viewer’s interest since the plot is so dense with shocking twists and turns anyway, that do deserve more attention than the reader wondering whether they should bleach their eyes out. Time and time again, the author has shown their understanding of story structures and the importance of reasons/ explainations. Even though the execution might be lacking, the lure of the world and the characters single-handily carries. it shows the thought the writer put behind plot points to create this compelling story. Even if the ideas came from children or the book of “101 cliches in stories,” the writer ties it in well. I love this comic for that, and have no doubts the writer had a reason for including such topics, however, because of the discontinuation, there is no way to know or learn about the ending. This will forever leave a hole in my heart until I meet the writer and force them to tell me. Thank you The worst part is that since the comic/story is discontinued, there won’t be answers as to why these choices were made.


Ten Thousand Ways to Win Sexy Guys' Hearts

XiReZhuoMa/Zhiyin Comic

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