
Review Detail of VictorRust2410 in Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!

Review detail


I took the advice of the previous review and forced myself through the first 40 chapters and i have to say, i should have dropped it way earlier. The mc certainly transformed alright, he went from from a weak dumb pervert to a weak passive wimp. He went from being undesirable#1 to undesirable#2. He literally let's characters weaker than him insult him to the face and take in like a bitch. He openly admits he have 0 pride, which for me= 0 self respect=beta mc. Something i find even more irritating than previous one. Now that's not to say the fic is bad or anything, if u can ignore the mc than this is one of the best fics in terms of writing/quality on this site. This is the only reason I tried to atleast skim through but sadly even that came to fail. I skipped ahead to Percy Jackson part but wished i hadn't. The author overpowers the demi-gods by so fucking much i just screamed in frustration. Author, dude, u do realise the demigods could literally be buried 6 feet under by a single well place sniper shot or grenade right? How the hell is Thalia more powerful than a fucking dragon king with a fucking system? Whatever I've already given up hope of this fic. No matter how great the quality is, i cant torture myself willingly.


Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!


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