
Review Detail of Avid_Book_Reader in Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!

Review detail


This story has a horrible beginning like omg I hated reading through all of that but once you get past it about 40 chapters in, this story really takes off the author does an amazing job in developing everything naturally and it’s not nearly as bad of quality as it originally was just give it a try and slog past the beginning


Reincarnated as a dragon egg in DxD with a Fate System!


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Historia que le falta protagonista o mejor dicho uno que se está formando


The thing is I shouldn’t have to read 40 chapters to get good story


then dont read the 40 chapters the author is probably learning while writing if you want a book well thought of and not a on the spot novel made because of inspiration and curiosity go to a fully completed one since they probably have edited and changed things in the beginnings ill even recommend a few 1:Chrysalis 2:The Legendary Mechanic 3:Lord of the Mysteries 4:kill the hero 5:second life ranker 6:death mage doesn't want a fourth time 7:everyone else is a returnee (completed) 8:Lord of the Mysteries (contains mostly mystery and supernatural elements) 9:Rebirth in Bleach (updates randomly can wait a month or more) and these are the ones i can think of right now,

omegawerewolf1:The thing is I shouldn’t have to read 40 chapters to get good story

Chrysalis is a very good novel and I am currently reading that right now I’ve been reading it long before you posted this comment and I’m currently on chapter 15 It’s genuinely a good novel. Btw What were we talking about

Immortal_Boomstick:then dont read the 40 chapters the author is probably learning while writing if you want a book well thought of and not a on the spot novel made because of inspiration and curiosity go to a fully completed one since they probably have edited and changed things in the beginnings ill even recommend a few 1:Chrysalis 2:The Legendary Mechanic 3:Lord of the Mysteries 4:kill the hero 5:second life ranker 6:death mage doesn't want a fourth time 7:everyone else is a returnee (completed) 8:Lord of the Mysteries (contains mostly mystery and supernatural elements) 9:Rebirth in Bleach (updates randomly can wait a month or more) and these are the ones i can think of right now,

we or rather i was pointing out that you shouldn't waste time with this novel if you cant read 40 chapter without waiting and instead focus on some i sent you since they are good and some not in this site

omegawerewolf1:Chrysalis is a very good novel and I am currently reading that right now I’ve been reading it long before you posted this comment and I’m currently on chapter 15 It’s genuinely a good novel. Btw What were we talking about

Can you recommend me on good harem novel/fanfic? Even romance if you can.

Immortal_Boomstick:we or rather i was pointing out that you shouldn't waste time with this novel if you cant read 40 chapter without waiting and instead focus on some i sent you since they are good and some not in this site

Since there arent very many good harems but the onesi think are good are rebirth in bleach (fanfic) Dragonborn saga (fanfic) Night ranger These are the ones i know that aren't shit for my personal taste thought night ranger is a bit different since it doesn't have much romance until later and has some wuxia perks.

RexVector:Can you recommend me on good harem novel/fanfic? Even romance if you can.

and forgot everyone else is a returnee is also a harem

RexVector:Can you recommend me on good harem novel/fanfic? Even romance if you can.

it's kind of sad how the harem genre developed if you needed to ask if you could also have romance in the fic. the point of a harem is that you have relationships with multiple women/men, and I'm pretty sure you should have a romance in a relationship. But instead harem stories just became a trophy collecting. sorry if this came out of nowhere but i just had the urge to say it.

RexVector:Can you recommend me on good harem novel/fanfic? Even romance if you can.

I meant grammar not grammer lol auto correct

Immortal_Boomstick:then dont read the 40 chapters the author is probably learning while writing if you want a book well thought of and not a on the spot novel made because of inspiration and curiosity go to a fully completed one since they probably have edited and changed things in the beginnings ill even recommend a few 1:Chrysalis 2:The Legendary Mechanic 3:Lord of the Mysteries 4:kill the hero 5:second life ranker 6:death mage doesn't want a fourth time 7:everyone else is a returnee (completed) 8:Lord of the Mysteries (contains mostly mystery and supernatural elements) 9:Rebirth in Bleach (updates randomly can wait a month or more) and these are the ones i can think of right now,

Thats it? Man i got to 190 something in 3 Days!

omegawerewolf1:Chrysalis is a very good novel and I am currently reading that right now I’ve been reading it long before you posted this comment and I’m currently on chapter 15 It’s genuinely a good novel. Btw What were we talking about

I thought that was harem in the way the chicks liked him but he ignores them all because "reasons" does that change later on or am I mixing them up?

Immortal_Boomstick:and forgot everyone else is a returnee is also a harem

he does ignore theam but in the very late chapters he accepts theam all for reasons.

BeardedReader:I thought that was harem in the way the chicks liked him but he ignores them all because "reasons" does that change later on or am I mixing them up?

Parese que la novela esté buena después del 40 estoses voy a leer la


I'm not gonna lie I was mega super doubt full of this being good after reading the first chapters but, I gotta say he does a 180. Thanks to this I comment I decided to give it a chance and danm it's like a different book, and I like it! Good job Author and thanks ! 😊



Immortal_Boomstick:Since there arent very many good harems but the onesi think are good are rebirth in bleach (fanfic) Dragonborn saga (fanfic) Night ranger These are the ones i know that aren't shit for my personal taste thought night ranger is a bit different since it doesn't have much romance until later and has some wuxia perks.


Immortal_Boomstick:then dont read the 40 chapters the author is probably learning while writing if you want a book well thought of and not a on the spot novel made because of inspiration and curiosity go to a fully completed one since they probably have edited and changed things in the beginnings ill even recommend a few 1:Chrysalis 2:The Legendary Mechanic 3:Lord of the Mysteries 4:kill the hero 5:second life ranker 6:death mage doesn't want a fourth time 7:everyone else is a returnee (completed) 8:Lord of the Mysteries (contains mostly mystery and supernatural elements) 9:Rebirth in Bleach (updates randomly can wait a month or more) and these are the ones i can think of right now,