
Review Detail of Xrhbd in The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic

Review detail


Just finished chapter 1 and it’s not looking good. Let’s not forget that the man is a kage. So him just saying year alright to that confession is kinda not right. He would at least use Genjutsu to get all the info out first then talk. The parents being Tsunade and Jiraiya is a good new twist I haven’t seen before. And I feel like the MC is a tad bit slow with the whole existing before part. But apart from that the rest is good. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still gonna read a bit more to decide if imma stick to this but I hope the story sticks a bit more to the OG characters personalities. But overall it’s an ok start, I’ve seen worse.


The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto FanFic


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