
Review Detail of Alakabam in Trash in the Apocalypse

Review detail


Started reading yesterday and have caught up as of just a few minutes ago. I had been searching for a kingdom-building novel for some time now and this really scratches that itch. The characters Jun meets feel genuine and fleshed out, the dynamics/feelings between them seem realistic. The worldbuilding is also quite detailed and the video game elements give it a nice spin opposed to a regular apocalypse novel. The writing is decent and stays consistent throughout the chapters I've read, slight improvements have been noted but there's still some grammar mistakes here and there but one easily reads past those, it's not annoying enough for me to call it a flaw. And I'm sure that the Author over the time of writing this novel will slowly improve his style. All in all I love the novel so far and have enjoyed every minute of reading it, keep on trucking Author and I hope this gets the attention it deserves. ** if you're in need of reviews maybe swap some with other writers on the Webnovel forums, that could also give you an insight into what other writers think could improve or what you do really well. Thanks for writing Author! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )


Trash in the Apocalypse


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