
Review Detail of Yamen_Sabry in The Oracle Paths

Review detail


Arkinslize, i'm writing this review because me and 99% of your fans can't access and read you latest chapters now .. yes we are your empty pocket, poor and non paying fans. Webnovel's latest changes removed the daily fast passes, this probably has increased your sales by a certain margin, but in return it shunned out the majority of your readers, this in my opinion would do you more harm than good, because i believe that the people who are paying will always pay, while the people who can't pay will never pay, so these tactics only serve to harm your popularity and followings .. this problem is easily solvable if you decided to leak your late chapters, not the latest, just keep like 20 privileged chapters ahead of the leaked chapters, or 30 it's up to you, this way you will not lose readers and it will not affect your revenu either. Please consider it, we all love your novel so much.

The Oracle Paths


Liked by 8 people




Now it only works on the app not on the website so just go on the app and you can get the fast passes :)

Yamen_Sabry:As an author you probably have a certain statue in Webnovel so you get to keep earning fast passes as usual, but regular readers now get 30 points instead of the 3 fast passes as a reward for the same daily tasks .. those points are pretty useless. Anyway, for the same reason those illegal websites too can't publish you chapters too henceforth for the same reason .. so it's pretty dry out there :D. No one is blaming the authors ofcourse, just the greedy guys that are running webnovel. But here is the thing they overlooked .. that big base of non-paying readership is what creates 90% of the buzz and advertisement for any novel, without them this site will become a ghost town soon, and ultimately will attract less and less paying readers, making less money than they are now. If another website uses the old format of webnovel allowing access for non-paying readers, this will be the end of Webnovel, cuz everyone will go there. All of this just to say, you should jump ship if you find a new platform that apply less restrictions on non-paying readers even it pays less in the short term, it would be better for you in the long term.

I've seen this kind of comment several times, but I don't see the problem on my end. I still have access to fastpasses and the conditions to unlock them haven't changed. I can still earn 3 fastpasses per day with daily check-in, power-stone and energy-stone voting. I am unfortunately not allowed to leak my chapters, but there are already multiple illegal websites publishing all the non-privileged chapters of my novel. I don't know what more I can do in this context. Authors already get less than 15% of what they should get.


As an author you probably have a certain statue in Webnovel so you get to keep earning fast passes as usual, but regular readers now get 30 points instead of the 3 fast passes as a reward for the same daily tasks .. those points are pretty useless. Anyway, for the same reason those illegal websites too can't publish you chapters too henceforth for the same reason .. so it's pretty dry out there :D. No one is blaming the authors ofcourse, just the greedy guys that are running webnovel. But here is the thing they overlooked .. that big base of non-paying readership is what creates 90% of the buzz and advertisement for any novel, without them this site will become a ghost town soon, and ultimately will attract less and less paying readers, making less money than they are now. If another website uses the old format of webnovel allowing access for non-paying readers, this will be the end of Webnovel, cuz everyone will go there. All of this just to say, you should jump ship if you find a new platform that apply less restrictions on non-paying readers even it pays less in the short term, it would be better for you in the long term.

Arkinslize:I've seen this kind of comment several times, but I don't see the problem on my end. I still have access to fastpasses and the conditions to unlock them haven't changed. I can still earn 3 fastpasses per day with daily check-in, power-stone and energy-stone voting. I am unfortunately not allowed to leak my chapters, but there are already multiple illegal websites publishing all the non-privileged chapters of my novel. I don't know what more I can do in this context. Authors already get less than 15% of what they should get.

You should use the app

Yamen_Sabry:As an author you probably have a certain statue in Webnovel so you get to keep earning fast passes as usual, but regular readers now get 30 points instead of the 3 fast passes as a reward for the same daily tasks .. those points are pretty useless. Anyway, for the same reason those illegal websites too can't publish you chapters too henceforth for the same reason .. so it's pretty dry out there :D. No one is blaming the authors ofcourse, just the greedy guys that are running webnovel. But here is the thing they overlooked .. that big base of non-paying readership is what creates 90% of the buzz and advertisement for any novel, without them this site will become a ghost town soon, and ultimately will attract less and less paying readers, making less money than they are now. If another website uses the old format of webnovel allowing access for non-paying readers, this will be the end of Webnovel, cuz everyone will go there. All of this just to say, you should jump ship if you find a new platform that apply less restrictions on non-paying readers even it pays less in the short term, it would be better for you in the long term.

They use the website and not the app

Arkinslize:I've seen this kind of comment several times, but I don't see the problem on my end. I still have access to fastpasses and the conditions to unlock them haven't changed. I can still earn 3 fastpasses per day with daily check-in, power-stone and energy-stone voting. I am unfortunately not allowed to leak my chapters, but there are already multiple illegal websites publishing all the non-privileged chapters of my novel. I don't know what more I can do in this context. Authors already get less than 15% of what they should get.