
Review Detail of Humaira_Jarjisa in Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance

Review detail


Love the story and the way it's developing. It's indeed a sweet revenge. Everyone has to pay for their sins one day. Luna suffered alot and deserves the best. The people around luna are strong and I like each and everyone of them. I want louie to suffer for everything that he made luna go through. Without even trying to get to know her, he decided that she's a useless person and treated her like ****. I was so happy when francois proposed and luna accepted the proposal. Please author, it's an earnest request. Please, please make luna and francois end up together. They are so perfect together and they deserve each other. Also litte bunnies love him too.


Music for my Unspoken Words.... Chase me for your Second Chance


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