
Review Detail of wolfgamer372 in Tired of Death

Review detail


This story is a great read for those that love action, humor, and characters. Let start with the action, the combat that the Dreth participate in are descriptive enough that you have a good imagination of whats happening and is simple enough that you wont get confused or loss track. Next is the humor, the banter between the characters are what i would imagine friends that have been together for a long time. their reaction and comments to certain events are comical and would love to see more of in other stories. Lastly is the characters, like i mentioned before the chemistry between characters seem natural and subtle. each caracter has their own trait and have their own past, i love that the zombies have vague memories of their past like how percy used to be a person that does makeup (dont remeber the name) and how they remeber going towards the dungeon. i also enjoy how your learning about the character slowly and are learning alongside them. Well this is the end of my ted talk, i do hope to see you all in other stories and to the author your doing a great job keep it up. P.S the english is amazing and has little to no errors


Tired of Death


Liked by 1 people




I thank you for your kind review! Glad you're enjoying. And stayed tuned, there's more to come. :)