
Review Detail of Julieth_morais in How to conquer the world by being an AI

Review detail


Author here, I'm just saying that I usually write and post at the same time, so maybe I don't follow a strict schedule as I'm too lazy. But I really hope you can enjoy it, I will try to ask a friend to proofread and translate to English, so you have a less tiring reading. My intention with this novel is just to kill the urge to read something funny, without harem, very fast evolution or something like fights and things like that. But it will certainly be very modern, talking about MC's life at school, university and conquering the world with money and intelligence, of course there may be some deaths in history, but it will be from weapons or something, nothing like a superman or powers from another. world, just technology, and also some flirting, romance and probably sex.


How to conquer the world by being an AI


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