Fights in this are like in Kung fu movies, MC fights 30 enemies of same cultivation and they just stand there and get killed by MC while all he gets is a couple cuts. It’s too exaggerated but fine, I can ignore it cause he fouGht beasts in the forest for 1 year so he got super combat sense now and everybody else never fought before in their life.🙄🙄🙄🙄🥱 Cartoonish Brain dead enemies and fellow disciples who mock him for being weak after casually slapping a guy with higher cultivation to near death. Everybody but MC is as smart as a child. Characters are so cliche it hurts, fatty friend and ice cold beauty who is only nice to MC. Monkey is cool I guess. Plot armor power ups that just fall on MCs head from nowhere, the woman at the start, fine that’s his ‘cheat’, but I can’t help but roll my eyes when an ancient cultivator who’s been fighting poison for 5000 years saves MC out of sure death then gives him all his possessions and asks nothing of him in return. No bring my corpse back to my sect, or spread my ashes in my village. It’s like his sole existence was to drop off treasures for the MC then die to his poison. Not good but not that bad either, it can still be entertaining but it’s nothing special.🤮🤮🤮
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LIKEbro first he is rooooo speeeeeddd for people to even see and his frail looking with no aura because he contains it so people mock him thinking he is weak and casually slapping is like a 9 yr old kid slamming an ***** mc looks frail and has no aura looks totally normal no wonder people didn't believe also they are minimum clichè regards for me and that cultivator has been fighting the postion for 5000 yrs bro the time alone just fighting a poison in a room can't do anything he is mentally broke also he didn't have enough energy u see he showed that refinement and died and he said he has been seeing him the moment he came and took his character and passed on his belongings and died