Cultivation=cool. Molesting a girl=not cool.~~granted the girl was trying to frame him, but two wrongs don’t make a right. I’m a girl so I find it disgusting. I don’t even read romances that have any form of rape (drugs, alcohol, misunderstandings, whatever.) I did like the cultivation and world building, but not enough to continue to read. Looks like it’s kind of leaning towards a harem? He flirts and acts different around girls. Oh, and in case anyone wants to know, this novel is extremely homophobic. Like if two guys are kissing, then prepare to read a whole chapter on everyone throwing up.
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LIKEWell that’s your opinion and it’s kind of ****ty. That’s like justifying soldiers overseas raping. That’s inhumane. Just kill her and be done. Instead she ends up becoming his friend(?) and her little brother is the dude’s disciple. Unrealistic. No one becomes friend with their molester. Just a gross novel for males to live through because they like objectifying women.
It’s a cultivation novel. If someone more powerful wants to do something then they get to do it. Even in today’s world that is the case, only people of equal power can condemn them. It’s not an excuse. If owned all of the worlds oil and agriculture then I could kill you/anybody in cold blood and people would cover it up. It’s how power works. If he has power then their reason becomes right.
I agree, your opinion is shi**y, I understand your mindset of 'as long you are strong, you can do anything' but molesting someone is just not cool, raping is even worse. And if you owned all the big business then you saying you can do everything? HAHAHAHA you stupid? One, you're incompetent saying that 'if' you owned all those businesses. Meaning that you cannot have loyal people on your side that also means you can get assissinated very quickly. No one wants to protect you even if you give them a lot of money, they will abandon you if theres a higher price. How will you manage all that bussiness and companies with your half-assed attitude? Rape is okay if your powerful? I can pay a homeless man to rape you once you are not protected, no? And I am very weak. Pff, look at you being penetrated by a man. People will cover it up for you? Hell no, they will use that situation to dethrone you of your high position and nobody would buy your stuff once they know that the 'big boss' killed someone just because he is rich. Your story is full of sh*t loopholes, btw, if you didn't notice, I HATE people who find rape okay if your rich. Can you defend against a pistol? without any bulletproof armour? OR if you had the bullet proof armour, can you defend against 3 ak-47's constant shooting against you? And who cares if it is a cultivation novel, even if you're powerful, people will eventually hunt you once you do more things. Only if you posess ABSOLUTE POWER, then you can anything you want but no, nobody is TRULY invincible. Every heard of human greed? Every heard of revenge? Probably not, review your life choices, geez, not everything is okay if your rich or powerful. I can kill you even if I am a peasant without skill while you are a rich person with skills. (That you are not) Even if I like cruel characters, rape goes too far in my opinion but torture is okay, no problems with that. I am not defending women btw, just I hate rape and molesting. Vice versa, even if a man is raped, I am not okay with that. Still against people like you, I am totally fine with it, suffer. My fingers hurt, have a nice day everyone. You too, I guess, hope you get penetrated by a squirtle and die of suffocation. (I am in a bad mood, understand that please)
Please, there are many things worse than rape. Murder and torture are both far worse than rape, but let’s forget real crimes, cheating on your partner is worse than rape, plagiarism/stealing others effort for yourself is worse than rape, and even stealing (financial/scams/etc) in some cases is worse than rape. Let’s forget things worse than rape! Let’s talk about rape itself, every case is different in severity. Raping a hooker or whore is hardly more than assault, raping a virgin, especially a young one, is almost equal to literal cold blooded murder, raping a housewife/girlfriend is worse than raping an unattached non virgin female, raping a criminal (beyond non violent crime) is hardly a crime at all. Inverse for men is also true. Even if we ignore the chick is a criminal, tried to steal and kill the mc for little reason, and ignore that she is basically a bad person, just the fact that she became a cultivator, an existence that defies the heavens, is alone a good enough reason to stop caring. The moment you begin cultivating you are signing yourself up for a lifetimes of blood.
Ok, good for you, just saying that I hate rape. I think the concept of cultivation isn't that of a big deal? If you cultivate you need to follow your own rules, get stronger by absorbing energy and that is basically it. Signing for something like a lifetimes of blood is just the same as that the human greed just amplifies. It's simple as that, cultivation makes you greedy for more power and to achieve that you need to kill or defend. Just because most novels say there isn't any turning back in cultivation mean you can't. Although you start and need to follow your heart after starting, you can still stop with cultivating as long you follow your heart/rules. That means you won't have any treasures and no one would be interested in you. (Except evil things, like rituals or similar, though the chances are very small) AND I didn't read the novel, I just read your opinion and it's sh*t. And I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm saying that your opinion is sh*t and your mind is also sh*t, I'm saying that I hate rape and am retorting your opinion because it is sh*t in MY opinion. Serieusly, I just hate rape, I don't care about torture and a bloody massacre. Who cares, I just hate rape. Is it that difficult to understand? So for One~ Last~ Time~, I~ Don't~ Give~ A~ Sh*t~! For you. I don't mind that you find rape derserving or not, just so you know, if cultivation really exist or an apocalypse, just know, that I will pray for you to get raped by something else than a human. For example, rabbit, pig, cow, horse. So, f*ck you. Ty, for reading this, if not, then have a nice day unknown person with shi*ty opinion. Do know that my english is very bad so I'm sorry for the inconveniences. Also for other people who read this, have a nice day.
That may be true but woman do the same thing so.....nobody is in the right man or woman because we all do sh*t to each other
Since you guys are fighter over rape and torture. Let me tell you it not different. Torture it self it rape and rape it self is torture. What is a torture well it mean to break you with anything you fear whether rape or pain. When you torturing someone you will use any mean you have to break that person. For example, kill your love one front of you or torture them, rape including, burn you, break their leg/arm/finger/finger nails and many more. What is rape, rape is a living torture. Some people might over come the rape and still try to live while other might kill them self. Rape is WRONG!! Rape is torturing without pain for life if not over come. Rape is a torture because you can’t do anything if you are not strong will and reported to police. People that get rape are scared to tell other people because of how other people opinion (what they think of them) with lead to suicide. Mainly because of news. News can be a good thing or bad. If strong will people let the media know what happened to her or him. Two thing will happen. First, after investigation they will find that that this person rape her/him and lot of people will support them and give justice. Second, when investigating you can’t prove your saying and news will make you a joke and this will lead to suicide. There is not much different between torture and rape. Both mean to break you. There is no point fighting which is a worser because both of them is worser. No one want either of them in their live. If you get rape than you will think rape is the worst thing in the world and when you get tortured to the point you want to die, then that person will think torture is the worst. The person who saying rape is worser than if you get tortured you will think otherwise 100% and other person who is tortured is worser than if you get rape you will think otherwise 100%. Both is equally bad and no one want them in their life including ME. Fighting over which one is worser will only make you look like a KID and it dump in my opinion.
Since you guys are fighter over rape and torture. Let me tell you it not different. Torture it self it rape and rape it self is torture. What is a torture well it mean to break you with anything you fear whether rape or pain. When you torturing someone you will use any mean you have to break that person. For example, kill your love one front of you or torture them, rape including, burn you, break their leg/arm/finger/finger nails and many more. What is rape, rape is a living torture. Some people might over come the rape and still try to live while other might kill them self. Rape is WRONG!! Rape is torturing without pain for life if not over come. Rape is a torture because you can’t do anything if you are not strong will and reported to police. People that get rape are scared to tell other people because of how other people opinion (what they think of them) with lead to suicide. Mainly because of news. News can be a good thing or bad. If strong will people let the media know what happened to her or him. Two thing will happen. First, after investigation they will find that that this person rape her/him and lot of people will support them and give justice. Second, when investigating you can’t prove your saying and news will make you a joke and this will lead to suicide. There is not much different between torture and rape. Both mean to break you. There is no point fighting which is a worser because both of them is worser. No one want either of them in their live. If you get rape than you will think rape is the worst thing in the world and when you get tortured to the point you want to die, then that person will think torture is the worst. The person who saying rape is worser than if you get tortured you will think otherwise 100% and other person who is tortured is worser than if you get rape you will think otherwise 100%. Both is equally bad and no one want them in their life including ME. Fighting over which one is worser will only make you look like a KID and it dump in my opinion.
Ah ok, Generally torture.. Yes, you're right but generally when people think about torture they will think of breaking nails, bones, organs or so on, just that you don't die and feel the pain. And I'm not saying rape is worse than torture, I'm saying that I hate rape. (The difference is pretty clear?) And some advice to you, use paragraphs because I didn't even read 4/10 of your block of text. Like I don't care if you view this as a child fight, do know I am not arguing which one is worse or better, it's just that I HATE RAPE <-----. Alright? Ty, read other people's text better before you scold them and saying they both suck because you just got face slapped by me. Bye, have a nice day.
I can't believe a normal human being is normalizing rape and putting up instances where it is appropriate. It just blows my mind.
Alright, I have been laughing my a$$ off for a good while now, but can I just point out that I don't know what country you cone from but it must be godd#mned $hitty ($hitty than mine) for you to have an opinion that being rich or in power makes every crime under the sun alright? How shameless are the rich and government officials there? LOL Okay, enough jokes ...well one more. Imagine if every victim r@ped their robber (regardless of gender). Yup, cringey scene. Funny thing is, these powerhouse cultivators only assault females. Like discrimination, yes? So females can't choose to be bad invtge cultivation world anymore? Boring! Wait ...why don't these MCs ever get assaulted by gay men considering all the trouble they cause. That will be fun to see for once. Imagine of r@pe was a sentence for criminals. Well, get your dirty mind out of the gutter. It's not. There is a reason why sone countries even legalize the death penalty but none will ever bring it to the light or legalize r@pe as a penalty. Lots of smart and powerful people in the world but no one comes to legally r@pe.
To your kind information I did not scold either of you. Since you don’t like other people opinion, than don’t write your opinion down too. DON’T reply this. I don’t want to get in this **** over rape and torture.
Then don't reply to our messages, you don't really so it what you say. (Btw, I said my english was bad so I didn't really mean 'scold' it's just the closest word I could remember to my intention) Ok, goodbye, ah, im sorry but I am gonna reply to THAT. Serieusly, if you don't wanna involve in this children fight, why even bother replying to either of us. Anyway, I'm gonna stop. (DON'T REPLY TO THIS) You son of an ice cream. Joke of the day; Do you know the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Answer: Snowballs~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
right, it's all males fault!!!