Haven't made a review yet, whoops. Here I go, the start is real moist, it's real greasy too, it's what you'd expect. The middle is... It's sweaty and wet, like my gf. The last part is SODDEN, it's not just wet, it's f*ucking drenched, it'sblike Niagra falls out here. That's my review of the story. I'd give it a 5/5 on the moist meter
Liked by 22 people
LIKEYou know whY i like this isekai FanFic? cause the main character was aLready a killer, so when she gets reincarnated, its not strange When she kills again. It boggles My mInd when a regular jane or joe who lived a regular life Gets Reincarnated into a fantASy world and jUst like goes on a blooDbath. as if tHat is normaL for them. they most of the time dont even feel bad about It. dRives me cRazy
Bc were alls Secretly psycho