
Review Detail of loulla1 in Futile Love

Review detail


Really enjoyed this book, it was very well written, and thought has gone into the characters. I found myself getting upset with the Crown Princess for not choosing the Crown Prince, there was so many misunderstandings and unsaid thoughts and feelings, which led to what transpired., I thought the ending sad as a result, others may not agree with my view. I think this novel is worth reading.


Futile Love

Heo Sarin

Liked by 9 people




Thanks for letting me know. I prefer stories where the woman chooses all of her love interests. I want to be able to relate to the protagonist, and since I choose all of my love interests, I prefer reading (and writing) about a protagonist who does the same. I'm polyamorous with a husband, two lovers, and a dead boyfriend.


I absolutely agree with you, it was a tragedy for me. Crown prince was such a precious character, he never got happiness in his life, he was not allowed to express his thoughts and opinion from childhood, he never enjoyed his childhood nor his adulthood. His life was really plane and dark until he fall in love with her, but at last he didn't get, even though she was having affair with his brother, and people tried to blame her. But he always protected her secretly, why WHY WHY!!! she can't choose him. He never wanted throne, he already told emperor that that he will give the throne to his brother. He was always sad, always kept his feeling to himself, he didn't seem to like place nor crown. I feel so torn for him!!!!!!!!!! 😭