
Review Detail of LloveSsick in My Secret Lovelife

Review detail


Good Work... 👍This one really took me back to my first year at my college.😏 Actually not in so sweet way but in a thoughtful way that made me wonder my first year was sh*t...😖 Back to the book.... First of all Synopsis... it is detailed so after first reading you can get the idea of what you gonna read inside. Now if I talk about the inside the story.. let me tell you.. that was fun.. I enjoyed it😏.. the thing that made me curious is the comparison. Almost at every line I was comparing my college year and that girl's.. I'm still in early so I can just say...I wish...😭. The chapters are short so it's good to read.. not like a huge chapter that you need atleast 15 to 20 minutes to read... it doesn't feel like a stressful... Now as for typos and grammar... Don't know.. I was lost in story... Now.... if you're a guy.. you should give it a try...it'll tell you that college is not just a place where you come to just complete your sleep in AC and free wifi and just to sit next to your crush...or at least to know how good your college first year would have been if you were a girl... And if you're a gal.... then read to know... college could be exciting and there are class too in that building in which professors teach... college is not just for canteens and the greenfield to sit and chat...


My Secret Lovelife


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No words to express. Let me cry now 😭😭. Thank you very much for this review. One of the best reviews I got till date.☺