
Review Detail of mrmrcia in The Evernon Saga: Journey of Ascension, A Struggle for Godhood

Review detail


*ehem ehem* I wanted to give you five stars mainly for the part that the world that you built is very extensive. The Life Standing aspect in your world perfectly mirrors the disparity of strength among creatures. Admittedly, there are bound to be beings who would be born greater than others. The unfairness sums it all up. However, the difference with our current world is just that your created a world that follows definite numbers and rules, true to its systematic nature. (I'm gonna claim that I'm an Origin God, btw) Although, I just have some qualms about the vagueness of certain concepts. First, are there no possibilities that an individual would be born with exceptional abilities that towers the abilities of their fellow species? If that isn't the case, that is quite a waste since it would be nice to see prodigies who could take down such already gifted individuals. Second, I'm very curious about the immortal realm. I would prefer that only certain individuals would be qualified to reach this stage. Because if everyone could, an origin God won't be anything special. As I read through the paragraph upon paragraph of lengthy descriptions and quite bland dialogues (sorry), I wasn't bored, honestly speaking. Cause the way you've written your passages exactly conformed to your setting. You know that I adore wordy descriptions rather than lacking. Every scenery was narrated vividly that a clear image ceaselessly pops up in my head. Your world is simply reminiscent of earth, but more competitive. I won't dare comment on your vocabulary, for the reason that your mind is healthy with that. The way you phrase your passages don't come off as obnoxious despite their length. After all, it fits the story. (It's not like I'm in the place to say this) Regarding the characters, I couldn't quite catch any uniqueness within your set of characters. Magna and William were the usual persistent lads, though they have a slight difference in ability. Also, some characters did act according to the tropes, so they came off as someone that has been put for the sake of having a character. Damons was also the typical old man who thinks he's a guardian, so he's protecting the two by not saying anything. And what's up with joseph, ugh, he's unnecessarily mean. I want to slap joseph. Strict is different from mean! I sincerely thought that the information on your fourth chapter could have been stated when a character related to the class was revealed. I love seeing the daily struggles of William and Magnar as they set out to widen their horizons. They are the refreshing type of characters after all, together with Aiden. Pacing was generally slow, by virtue of you expounding on a lot of things. Although, sometimes, the dialogues don't fit with the characters. All in all, your incorporation of the writing style within the setting was balanced. I would like to see a character design unique to William and Magnar, one that could let me distinguish them among the paragraphs. Because right now, I seriously can't. :< There were also some information about the world that I could somehow see being repetitive. SCHOLARLY!!! You know that you are a good author, so always be confident like you are now. This world that you created is honestly phenomenal, something that not everybody could do. I feel really apologetic that I couldn't give a proper review. (might be because I'm stupid) Withal, this book is a cut above the rest. JUST PLEASE UPDATE REGULARLY. I'll be supporting you through and through!


The Evernon Saga: Journey of Ascension, A Struggle for Godhood


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