I feel like this was a mad rush. The MC just knows he is reincarnated. How? He has no reaction at all to his death. His reaction to waking in a new world is to comment on the cieling. Everything just felt too fast and too poorly put together. The author seems to have a big plan for his world and setting but is in too much of a rush to get there. If I could make a recommendation, pay more attention to pacing and characters. Introduce people, who they are, why they are doing what they are doing, and so on.
Liked it!
LIKEI have big plans for this novel, although I am unsure if I will even get there, however I am trying to build up by going in depth with the main characters. I thank you for your constructive criticism and such, as a noob in the world of writing I appreciate it. I will try to go in depth with backstories and personalities and such within the next few chapters. Unfortunately for those who want more chapters quickly I am reading 6 books on this site and writing my own, due to that releases are slow, I am trying to get a rough schedule and such. If you or any other readers have any tips and tricks for new writers I will gladly accept them.
I'm not the best at setting up scenes and such, but the MC new he was reincarnated due to vague memories that became clearer later on, the location (what kind of hospital for the blown up is made of wood afterall), the sounds of wildlife (this version of earth was even more industrialized causing wildlife to be scarce), the faint sound of the Savants working and so on, if you experienced all that sensory input after spending your entire life in essentially New York without the parks, more pollution, and the sounds of nonstop cars and yelling the odds you'd realise something was up is basically 100% (sorry if this came off as aggressive)