
Review Detail of luciel_707 in My attack stat is negligible, so I can't help but rely on critical attacks to succeed

Review detail


First of all the title, just my suggestion its up to you if you change it or not. For me, the title of the book is not too long cause its hard to remember for the readers. Second, in the chapter one the mc and the white haired girl, eryn. Eryn should introduce herself to mc or mc would ask her name, i was confused as first who is this 'eryn' but i found out the whg and eryn are one in a few secs. How did the mc found out her name without ask who is her? And he heard her voice but it was unfamiliar and the girl didn't knew him either so he introduce himself cause she adked his name so it was clear. That's the critical clue that they didn't knew each other from the start,It could be confused the other readers. The flow of the story is great, he's not overpowered from the start well everybody is weak until they became strong as they build to be one. For me its ok whatever overpowered or not but it has to be eyecatching story to not lose my interest to read it. Improve more and more and your book will be love by the readers^^ -luciel_707-


My attack stat is negligible, so I can't help but rely on critical attacks to succeed


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I don't know why you think that she didn't introduce herself. She literally did just that right after the MC looked at her within the first few paragraphs. I think you likely skimmed over it and missed that detail. As for the title, it's purposefully long to be silly, like the recent trend of Japanese light novels. I realize it's stupidly long and the MC eventually makes fun of the title also, so it's meant to be tongue in cheek. That is why there is a shortened name underneath it "Atk0CritAll".