After 438 chapters. I know I still have a few more chapters to go to be current, but still... When I started this novel, thought it would be about 500 chapters like serendipity. But this one is still going strong even now. The only novel I spend my coins and FP on is this novel, none other - the reason why am behind as well, got to buy/get more 😉. Story, writing, humor, chemistry, relationship between characters - Nixxxie is brought them all together seemly. I haven't been able to skip chapters or put the novel away. Nixxxie - 👍🤗😘
Liked by 3 people
LIKEThank you very much ❤😍🤧 You've been very supportive. The demand in webnovel drains me. A lot are expecting authors to write many chapters... aka quantity vs quality. It's a struggle especially since I am aiming for the opposite. But your review made me smile. ❤ thank you very much. This gives me motivation! *hugs*
Keep your good work. Quality, originality, and a knack of keeping the story flowing - the only things that work, and you have it!