
Review Detail of DuskRequiem in To Rise Again in the Apocalypse [BL]

Review detail


I like how the past and the future can be brought together to the present. It’s interesting. It’s like an arc. I wonder if the upcoming chapters will show what happen in the past when xinwen was still alive and a cultivator. Though I dont like the ML. I find him endearing at some parts but others parts a rather sinister love sick fool. Makes me wonder mc will fall for him or come to love someone else. Looking forward to new chapters 😍


To Rise Again in the Apocalypse [BL]


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Can't say anything about the past Li XinWen in his original world but, I can say that the next book, Li XinWen will return to his original world (maybe) for revenge 😉


Well. That’s good enough. Can’t wait to see how the revenge is planned out

Lin_XiaoLong:Can't say anything about the past Li XinWen in his original world but, I can say that the next book, Li XinWen will return to his original world (maybe) for revenge 😉

So is that the reason why you let us chose who the ML will be... But for me i will to the basic as simple.. Like the word pls sister put a leash of your fiance.. Even thought they already parted.. And Pls.. Dont falter.. Gambari..susu.. Xoxo.. Fighting..

Lin_XiaoLong:Can't say anything about the past Li XinWen in his original world but, I can say that the next book, Li XinWen will return to his original world (maybe) for revenge 😉

So is that the reason why you let us chose who the ML will be... But for me i will to the basic as simple.. Like the word pls sister put a leash of your fiance.. Even thought they already parted.. And Pls.. Dont falter.. Gambari..susu.. Xoxo.. Fighting..

Lin_XiaoLong:Can't say anything about the past Li XinWen in his original world but, I can say that the next book, Li XinWen will return to his original world (maybe) for revenge 😉