
Review Detail of Desivery in Morphing into Pokèmons?

Review detail


Hi guys! Desivery here. I'll shamelessly rate my novel to 5 stars and promote it. I'm writing this novel for leisure so expect not so fast updates however I'll try to write during breaks and weekends. This novel is not catered for those who wants harem novels or either for those who wants romance in action. The story is all about Clyde and his wonderful journey in the pokemon world. Clyde is smart and collected but has his own principles. Please try to read the novel and give comments and suggestions. Thank you!

Morphing into Pokèmons?


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No harem? Perfect (just the thought of it makes me tired) and no romance? That's why I searched pokemon fanfiction for. I watch QTs for romance and Pokemon for action and adventure (with adorable critters). And you don't have any difficulties in health or life do you? Cuz you're not updating it for years and that's concerning (for me). Hope you keep yourself save from the Covid Viruses and let me add shamelessly, I really, really reaaally hope you add vulpix (kanto or alolan) as one of his forms cuz kitsunes are my absolute favorite or Zoroark, which is my other fav due to a certain fanfiction. Stay safe and healthy Ciao~