
Review Detail of Nexus4567 in Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)

Review detail


the MC in this novel is basically like the serial killer the chameleon, who basically manipulates his female victims into trusting him(saying that he will most likely release them) and when he's had enough toying with them he will silence them or when the victim fall for him he will threaten them to hide his identity then leaves them to fend for themselves in an abandoned area....he then goes again in another place to find his next prey,,,,,and also he thinks of himself as a god that can do anything

Naruto: Dream to Immortality (COMPLETED)


Liked it!




Uhhh... the MC doesn't actually kill for fun. Killing to him is just another tool to use, a convenient one, he is living in a ninja world after all. And the manipulation is a must for people like him to survive, he has no sharingan, system, or cheat.😉