
Review Detail of KittensAnonymous in A Bend in Time

Review detail


I haven't read any HP fanfics from this time period and I have to say that I'm loving it so far. I like distant cool headed instead of stupid mc like so many hp fanfics have. You insert a new character which most of the time I don't like, but you've pulled it off well. It is an enjoyable novel to read and I can't wait for more updates! highly suggest you read this hidden gem!


A Bend in Time


Liked by 67 people




i have read quiet the bunch of Harry potter fanfics and more often than not, the MC wasnt stupid...


Eh, Harry is the Mc most times in fanfic and he is pretty stupid unless they write him OOC. Which in lots of cases he remains pretty stupid but with a different flavor like an edge-lord moron. ------------------------------------------------------- But i think idiot MC (which is the mainstream) is because the author is unimaginative and/or it is to force the MC to make a decision to say/do something to progress the plot without much thought behind. Which to us readers that often imagine ourselves in MC's shoes would seem like a pretty poor decision or outright insane.

Eins_Mensch:i have read quiet the bunch of Harry potter fanfics and more often than not, the MC wasnt stupid...

Well, most of the HP fanfics i have were either the MC wasnt Harry, was a reincarnator that took over Harries body or where harry grew up differently (be it in family/power/gifts/knowledge). I normally try to stay away from fanfics where they just power boost the OG MC, the changes in plot are there mostly minimal and are only a changed copy of the actual plot, perhaps with a bit of character development thrown in.

Huffsa:Eh, Harry is the Mc most times in fanfic and he is pretty stupid unless they write him OOC. Which in lots of cases he remains pretty stupid but with a different flavor like an edge-lord moron. ------------------------------------------------------- But i think idiot MC (which is the mainstream) is because the author is unimaginative and/or it is to force the MC to make a decision to say/do something to progress the plot without much thought behind. Which to us readers that often imagine ourselves in MC's shoes would seem like a pretty poor decision or outright insane.