
Review Detail of Rizen in Reincarnated as Tony Stark with a Skill

Review detail


I just binge read this ...its just trash... I don't understand the good reviews even if they give me money, I wont rate it more than 1 - it starts with stupid mc - bad wish (which author takes to crazy lengths but still everyone is ok) - this just tarnish Tony's legacy - he is required by god to not change the story .. so he kept doing nothing for many thing, then he choose to fu*k story and go do stupid stuff - all mc cares about is beauties\women - stupid character development and no world building - 1D characters all over the place - bad dialog and worst grammars and spellings - indian things injection into story .... and a lot more, its just too much to tell, I've seen a lot in this, 100 times I said I'll leave this bad story but still continued just to not wrong this story and the people who rated this as good... I said maybe they've seen things I didn't see yet ... but it turned out they are just stupid and I've wasted my time


Reincarnated as Tony Stark with a Skill


Liked by 8 people




i can ignore a lost of stuff but the clone with their own minds ntring the mc is the most disgusting