
Review Detail of Xiao_Tang_Yuan in villainess : Antagonist story

Review detail


Hi Mehu I have read u're reborn. Trust me I was crying reading the last part. U know what I love about u're writting u make FL to love herself, accept her how she is. I really believe u do have a strong mindset and love yourself. You know I feel connection with you the way you think admires me. Those steamy part of your novel is fantastic especially THE VILLIANESS ONE, about this novel I love TULIP'S part way more than LILY'S although I like her too but TULIP is just amazing. But both the love stories are good but then also I like TULIP'S love story. Hope you have read my reviews & hope you'll write her part more for this. YAH! I'm waiting for there steamy part as well. Keep going author. Lots of love from this reader


villainess : Antagonist story


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