
Review Detail of Goodie_Pie in The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Review detail


Just read the futunari chao and its was samng wrong and the mc is bland that he just goes everywhere being evil withiiut a reason buy only a physic of seven sins to push the plot forward I mean I like your world plot your setting and every thing else but this stunt pulls it's down the drain son what next a whole Continent field with disease spreading futunari that while soon conquer the world all because he wants to be the only man to **** all the women in the world well guest what he ist cause they got dick 2 he's just being too childish that even the joker would laugh and 3 just read grasping evil learn what evill means with morals while still having a personality and 4 this chapter was wrong on all levels I hope u don't running hedonist sword god my d Still haven't recovered yet sign road to kingdom has giving me th is of feeling but never gave me this kind of ****..........,...............


The Perverted Evil Cultivator


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