
Review Detail of Paroxyde in One Punch-Gamer

Review detail


It's pretty good if you like japanese light novel, the style is very close to it. Which means a lot of cringe for me, one of the reason I stopped reading japanese light novels. I'm writting this as of chapter 5, I can't take it anymore. However, if you can handle the cringe, the novel is of rather high quality, characters are not bland (so far), the writting is good, the premise is interesting and the chapters are not super short. If the cringe gets better later on, do tell me, otherwise, that's it for me. Such a shame.


One Punch-Gamer


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Depends on exactly what's making you 'cringe', really. As someone that enjoys most Light Novels, I may not be able to easily tell OxO


Long internal conflict about role models, beta male promotion, keeping a promise even if it's silly and might get you killed and one of my big no-no, using japanese pronoun out of nowhere. I mean, if it's a japanese character speaking english, I'm ok with it, but if it's a japanese translated but you leave the onii-chan, I mean, just use brother. The last one is probably just me, but it breaks the immersion for me.

SaintInfernalNeos:Depends on exactly what's making you 'cringe', really. As someone that enjoys most Light Novels, I may not be able to easily tell OxO

Some of those get addressed or are just out of context things I think you're projecting, but the rest...yeah, you probably won't want to keep reading then, sorry to say, it's mostly personal preference that you dislike or don't' agree with I'm afraid.

Paroxyde:Long internal conflict about role models, beta male promotion, keeping a promise even if it's silly and might get you killed and one of my big no-no, using japanese pronoun out of nowhere. I mean, if it's a japanese character speaking english, I'm ok with it, but if it's a japanese translated but you leave the onii-chan, I mean, just use brother. The last one is probably just me, but it breaks the immersion for me.

Which is why I said that it was good, but not for me.

SaintInfernalNeos:Some of those get addressed or are just out of context things I think you're projecting, but the rest...yeah, you probably won't want to keep reading then, sorry to say, it's mostly personal preference that you dislike or don't' agree with I'm afraid.

Yeah, fair enough, hope you had a good day and thanks for reading anyway :)!

Paroxyde:Which is why I said that it was good, but not for me.

Ahhhhhh my sister to the terrible cringe. Thank you for the forewarning. I'll take your advice at face value.👍🏽