
Review Detail of XENO in King of German Mercenaries

Review detail


Any book that takes advantage of white supremacy conquering, enslaving, colonising and murdering of Africans, I don’t like....Even if you meant well and u are just doing dis cuz u enjoying writing(I know, I’m a writer.!) I just can’t enjoy it, knowing that my people had gone thru centuries of suffering for it.........this is not a review of what the book is actually like, just my personal opinion it’s ur choice if u wanna read...I’m just saying I personally cannot enjoy a book like that simple✌🏾


King of German Mercenaries


Liked by 3 people




This story represents a close to real tale of what happened during that era. I know black live mater but if you start trying to forget what happened, you will learn nothing and the same error will happen again and again like a vicious cycle. This is what we are doing and that prove the stupidity of mankind. What is happening today is just the beginning, maybe later black people will want to be helped financially, have less taxes... without learning everything and forgetting that their forefathers fought for their right.


Are you daft? Every great empire conquered parts of africa at one point in history. Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Egyptian, Arabic, British, French, Ottoman, Songhai, Ethiopian, and Greeks. Slavery in Ethiopia persisted until 1942.  If you are going to be ignorant, at least try not to harm others with your idiocy.


Your the daft One you dick Head as you can tell from my First comment i said i cannot Enjoy a book like dat, becuz the reason i read books is not to learn about what happened to my people but to actually enjoy the book itself. You think i dont know what happened during,before and after slavery you Think i dont Know how your so called “white race” basically annihilated our culture and identity down to lowest level and you think i dont know the people responsible that caused it i even know about how african ChiefTains sold off the rivals for Guns and gunpowder, but at what cost, Slavery didnt only happened to africans it happened in every culture in history but ask yourself why is it so prominent in black culture and history you’re trynna tell me my people had know culture or history worth mentioning other than slavery? Dïck-head. The So Called white race in the past knew the best way to makes us slaves for life is to Make us believe we are slaves for life, dats where the whole concept of white and black races came from and dats why we are still struggling till today because people like you actually think you are superior to africans which is far from the thruth but because your ancestor believed dat half the white world now does too..Im a African man in my early twenties living in North london so trust when i say this i dont need No dïck-head Author to teach me about what happened to my people and you especially dont have know right to call me ignorant because you dont know WTF ive gone thru in life so yeh fück you. And **: i only said i cant enjoy the book not that i hate the book or think the book Is shit or anything.....i just cant enjoy cuz whatever the author is trynna teach me, ive already done extensive researched On soooo🤷🏾‍♂️. I’ll turn into a keyboard warrior if history in the book was altered to Work with the plot of the book. thats why i left that comment and left this book alone. You and the author have a lot of nerves to be calling me ignorant and such.... ive never actually felt so disrepected and insulted in my life...To actually think that i have little or no knowledge of what happened to my own people....you guys are havinh a fücking laugh mate😡🤬

Levianeus:Are you daft? Every great empire conquered parts of africa at one point in history. Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Egyptian, Arabic, British, French, Ottoman, Songhai, Ethiopian, and Greeks. Slavery in Ethiopia persisted until 1942.  If you are going to be ignorant, at least try not to harm others with your idiocy.

Bruh, this book is historical. Do you even know what historical means? If you don't like it, don't read it.


And why are you giving 1 star? That's crazy, if you don't like just don't read and not comment... nobody is interested if you are offended or not, it's annoying that novels get low ranking while being good