
Review Detail of Areize in King of German Mercenaries

Review detail


This is my first time writing a review on this site I think so I will b blunt the first couple chapters that thus translator did are quite good but after that's its start a down spiral ifeeel like I'm reading a lnmtl its good you did the translations but you getting most of the chapters sentences phrases wrong except when he is stating a historical fact I'm not far in so I don't know about future chapters but I will try to update this review when I read .more I just don't want people getting all hyped up like I was then get disappointed in it like I'd did but for know I don't think you should be locking chapters my friend I think you should work more on enhancing your skills first because from what I read I'm doing efforts in order to understand your translation I think the reader shouldn't be doing this be cause this falls on authoos and translates to make the story more comprehensable I'm not hating the novel but currently this my opinion and suggestions


King of German Mercenaries


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