Throne of the Triton (Hindi)
The story revolves around a young man named Prashant, who lives in Gujarat and is excited to meet his mother at the Statue of Unity. He decides to bring along his two friends to show his mother around the magnificent landmark. However, their joyous reunion is short-lived when an unexpected calamity strikes.
Out of nowhere, a massive alien, standing over one kilometer tall, suddenly appears and jumps on the ground, causing immense destruction to the surrounding area. Prashant's friends and family are among the many casualties of the monstrous creature's feet, and they perish in the blink of an eye.
As Prashant grapples with the devastation caused by the alien's presence, he is forced to confront his grief and find a way to move forward. The story follows his journey as he struggles to come to terms with the loss of his loved ones and navigate a world that has been forever changed by the appearance of the towering alien