
Review Detail of AzagalPlay in In Another World With Escanor Powers

Review detail


Honetly I loved the idea where he got to wish for 4 things, he was thinking smart with his every wish but then, but there's not a real goal, he was given a mission but all he does is make some impossible things for others by himself and that's the majority of the story, he keeps doing random impressive things for no reason and somehow forgets his mission for who knows how many chapters before doing a thing. The story goes nowhere and it's very boring because of that. Writing quality: 3 Stars, there's many grammar mistakes in every chapter, also when you think of escanor you see something powerful but when there is action it's just "He one shot them" and that's all, I'm not joking, everytime there's only 1 to 5 lines of fight(if you can call it that) and that's all until the next chapter, I didn't put 2 stars because I think the author did a great job at writing details Stability of updates: 3 Stars Story Development: 3 Stars, there isn't anything interesting happening in the story, no immersion at all, that's just boring, everytime he just does something to shock others and that's all Character Design: Classic previous life (mc wants to be mangaka but his parents want him to be a doctor, etc...), he goes from 'smart' to show off real fast, he tries to play the role of the classic Escanor but he's just cringy and inconsistent in his thinking (wipes out annoying gangs but when it's females he doesn't do a thing and lets them harrass him) I know escanor is a gentleman in the original story but there it's just ridiculous World Background: 5 Stars, nothing more to say, it's an interesting world here, partially because of author's talent to write many details


In Another World With Escanor Powers


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This reply will contain few spoilers if ur not up with the current last chapter so I hope u read till the current chapter and give a full review. Since you went on with each point then I will do the same. 1/- First of all his mission......To make it in few words then it would be "impossible to be done". The first thing that he will get in front of him is the wall of "missing info". First thing that Greil mentioned is the missing informations and memories that dissapeared along with events of the past. Even Greil(guy who sent him) himself can't remember anything cause something happened that erassed all history and memories about what happened after the death of the master 1 million years ago. Don't think that Aiden forgot about his mission or became a show-off. It's just that he searched for info off-screen and I didn't mention it cause it isn't time for that but he didn't forget his mission at all. In fact, he has even a plan that will be revealed in future chapters if you continue to follow but I won't continue to say anything about it cause I will spoil it.😃😃 I guarantee you that there is more to Aiden than just showing his prowess. 2/-After that comes the Writing quality, for that I think that you're right since I'm not really a good writer and just a geek college student who's a big fan of Escanor and wants to write a good story. I'm also concerned about Aiden fights since, for now, He's too "OP" for the current Arcs and even the current peak introduced "power level" which is half Saint but that will perhaps change after the appearance of Saints but I still don't know. It's also the same for fights. I have in fact asked a friend who is working in a publishing house and he told me that most writers have their own style and I need to find it but I can't. I tried a new style like in the fight against Riss or his last fight against the black knights so I'm still trying many writing styles in the fighting. (If you didn't reach that far into the story then please continue reading and then comment about it). 3/-About the updates, Well, as I said before. I'm trying to catch up with the online lessons so that I can prepare for the return of students when I go to college since It's very soon. The moment I return to college, I will restart the daily release. 4/- Story development: All I'm doing in these first few volumes is introducing the world and the world powers together with some big shots that control the continent either from the light(Ceaser, Empires, Adventurer guild, Light Church, Alchemists Guild, Blacksmiths guild) or from the dark(Black market alliance, The dark hand league) and many other things. Even the culture and the races living there. For Aiden who goes, one-shoting everybody then that isn't true. He didn't one-shot Riss or the female assassin. even Alex master when he appeared since it was Hu Zhao who attacked and Aiden just watched as he didn't seem interested in fighting at that moment. 5/-Character development which I'm not very proud but I still think it's good enough. For the thing that is bothering you about Lyssia and Wanda trying to hurt Aiden. Frankly, I see it like this. The girls didn't want to hurt him and in fact, were trying to scare him so that he doesn't talk about their age and it didn't work since he didn't seem that much affected. I just put it there to be a comic scene and they didn't want to hurt him at all and it's not like they can hurt him in the middle of the day. Trying to kill the guy because they want to know his secret and getting angry about a man talking about their age are completely on the opposite sides. Again I don't find the scene "ridiculous" but funny. Aiden's personality did change and that's true since if "You" got a powerful ability like that then, of course, you will change but you will find that he can be a genius too in future chapters. 5/-thanks for the 5 stars about world background since I really tried to create a balanced world that still counted on


on organizations and governments even with the existence of powerful individual people who can literally destroy armies with one finger.