
Review Detail of Jaykay2307 in Gaara

Review detail


Toxin I love you bruh but this, this is not it chief, first your underestimating Gaara's strength in canon, like In cannon he was able to take hits directly from Lee in fourth/fifth gate if only for a short amount of time, and in canon he didn't train with a taijutsu prodigy, also his chakra, should be so so much higher the facts are that jinchuriki all have ridiculous amounts of chakra, he should not only have Low jonin rank chakra levels, also all his stats in canon for chunin exams were Mid chunin+ Otherwise how else would you expect him to take over the Kate position essentially just afterwards, not only that but in canon he never went to the academy and was in fact a genin for a few years before the chunin exams, your character said he didn't want to graduate early because it would screw up the timeline, well news flash he already did in multiple places, like it seems that you couldn't come up with ideas for missions so you just had him stay in the academy for the purpose of you knowing that the academy's are supposed to be boring, also even with shukaku we've seen Tailed Beasts come to respect or even bond with their jinchuriki the fact that shukaku still wants to take him over makes no sense, it really seems that you didn't know where to take this book after chapter one are just winging it until the chunin exams where you're gonna have essentially the same thing happen, even though it really shouldn't as canon gaara would bend over this one and roughly f*** him from behind when it comes to their difference in power, also, the apparently best thing about his novel according to your reviews, your system. I am something who would call themselves a system lover but the reason I love systems is the reason I hate yours, the normal "problem'" with systems is that the allow people to buy bloodlines and the like, I'd argue the main problem with systems is that the author makes a deus ex machina so that no matter what the mc gets that bloodline just in the nick of time or something similar, I see no problem with op things in the store as long as the author doesn't do something to immediately give it to them, a good example of this is within the "Anime power/world System" on this website it goes about the op system in a good way I personally think, now onto another point with the system the exp and the boost to power it's meant to give which I'd argue in this novel does the exact opposite I've already talked about how underpowered compared to the canon Gaara but also the eight year timeskip, within all that time were supposed to expect the mc just go about his daily cycle with out trying to get more powerful through other means, that's than a bit stupid if you ask me, for example in "limitless eternity" a fate fanfic with an oc and with the gamer system, the mc in that goes around destroy ant super colonies gaining loads of xp from it, the reason? Because there were loads of op people he would have to meet but couldn't beat currently. Similar to our main character, tell me if you knew that op beings like Juubito, sage of six paths madara and KAGUYA were to come back/become a thing surely you'd train your fucking ass of trying any cheaty way to get more powerful so that when those beings do arrive you're more than capable to deal with them. Tldr; The authors being stupid about the mcs power and his motivations to do certain things, also making other characters have no character development even though they should just to make it less complicated for him, in conclusion just read uchihas tale it's much better than this.




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I can’t find either of those novels that you mentioned can you help me out 🥺


https://***.fanfiction.net/s/12963199/1/Limitless-Eternity And https://***.webnovel.com/book/12114214905945305/The-Divine-Anime-System

JimmyBlah:I can’t find either of those novels that you mentioned can you help me out 🥺


Jaykay2307:https://***.fanfiction.net/s/12963199/1/Limitless-Eternity And https://***.webnovel.com/book/12114214905945305/The-Divine-Anime-System

Know any Fate Gilgamesh fics? That're actually good and not the trash thats on webnovel

Jaykay2307:https://***.fanfiction.net/s/12963199/1/Limitless-Eternity And https://***.webnovel.com/book/12114214905945305/The-Divine-Anime-System