
Review Detail of julis in 'The One Punch Girl' In Nine Deadly Realms

Review detail


Sorry but I expected better from a story voted third in the contest. Writing mistakes are all over the place. It doesn't even look like it's being seriously written because sentences are cut off before the end and appear on another paragraph. Grammar is completely off. That just shows lack of care for properly typing and reviewing your work before uploading. There are other stories which at least proofread their work better than this. The story is also based off one punch man, so it's not really original like the other stories too. This is just my honest opinion. If I were to give you a real score on what this story deserves, it would be a 1-2 star max, no offense. Keep writing and studying proper English to get better. But I have a feeling that once this contest is over, you're just going to drop this story like many others who just join the contest for the SS prize. But I hope you do continue so that you can get better.

'The One Punch Girl' In Nine Deadly Realms


Liked by 8 people




You are wrong every author has its own ways of writting and I know he writes in different way than you love but story I guess is very nice I know it's inspiration from one punch man but this has whole new story arc so I would support author than supporting you and I guess he will write better than before.....


It is the writting style of aouthor from his first novel not mistake and we love and support him If you just want to critisize you better live it its unique from another novels and we love it and will support it till the end whatever it takes!


It is the writting style of aouthor from his first novel not mistake and we love and support him If you just want to critisize you better live it its unique from another novels and we love it and will support it till the end whatever it takes!


It is the writting style of aouthor from his first novel not mistake and we love and support him If you just want to critisize you better live it its unique from another novels and we love it and will support it till the end whatever it takes!


It is the writting style of aouthor from his first novel not mistake and we love and support him If you just want to critisize you better live it its unique from another novels and we love it and will support it till the end whatever it takes!


Spelling mistakes can be google translation mistakes and story is awesome i think you must respect authors writting style as all the authors have diffrent styles and we will support it till the end


What is your problem dude we love the authors writing style and Grammer mistakes may happen because of Google translation we support it and it won't change because of Some criticizing people like you you don't like it then leave it it's story is best


We are not mad giving him power stone you are new to this novel so you don't understand the power of our support


You are a very bad person and criticizing person doesn't even think of story it's awesome and you are very bad very bad just leave from our favourite novel


You are a very bad person and criticizing person doesn't even think of story it's awesome and you are very bad very bad just leave from our favourite novel


You are a very bad person and criticizing person doesn't even think of story it's awesome and you are very bad very bad just leave from our favourite novel


If it's translation mistakes, then it's not fully the author's fault I agree. But then that also means that the author doesn't actually have writing style, at least in English. The mistakes are due to translation maybe. However, writing style is when a writer employs language artfully so as to create a unique style of their own. The author doesn't know English well enough to do that if they're using Google Translate.

Kalindi_Dalvi:Spelling mistakes can be google translation mistakes and story is awesome i think you must respect authors writting style as all the authors have diffrent styles and we will support it till the end

You sound like a whiny kid who can't formulate sentences with all those run-ons. 😂

Waman_Dalvi:You are a very bad person and criticizing person doesn't even think of story it's awesome and you are very bad very bad just leave from our favourite novel

Maybe yup 😉

julis:You sound like a whiny kid who can't formulate sentences with all those run-ons. 😂

Its okay he must be kid

julis:You sound like a whiny kid who can't formulate sentences with all those run-ons. 😂

Its okay he must be kid

julis:You sound like a whiny kid who can't formulate sentences with all those run-ons. 😂

Yes I take your advice seriously and will improve my writing skills as there is also problem regarding to google keyboard as I type from phone sometimes it make changes without my knowing and also I do not have any multiple accounts maybe someone from my supporters or friends might be having...... I promise for a change a revolution in the night...... Thanks for your kind review plz review after sometime if you spot any differences between now and chaps I'll be writing sincerely..........


But I do have a different writting style the problem is I don't have that much time while I am studying for my classes etc plz review again sometime later....... Thank you

julis:If it's translation mistakes, then it's not fully the author's fault I agree. But then that also means that the author doesn't actually have writing style, at least in English. The mistakes are due to translation maybe. However, writing style is when a writer employs language artfully so as to create a unique style of their own. The author doesn't know English well enough to do that if they're using Google Translate.

But I do have a different writting style the problem is I don't have that much time while I am studying for my classes etc plz review again sometime later....... Thank you

julis:If it's translation mistakes, then it's not fully the author's fault I agree. But then that also means that the author doesn't actually have writing style, at least in English. The mistakes are due to translation maybe. However, writing style is when a writer employs language artfully so as to create a unique style of their own. The author doesn't know English well enough to do that if they're using Google Translate.

But I do have a different writting style the problem is I don't have that much time while I am studying for my classes etc plz review again sometime later....... Thank you

julis:If it's translation mistakes, then it's not fully the author's fault I agree. But then that also means that the author doesn't actually have writing style, at least in English. The mistakes are due to translation maybe. However, writing style is when a writer employs language artfully so as to create a unique style of their own. The author doesn't know English well enough to do that if they're using Google Translate.