I am simply outraged at the stupidity of this character build. First you build a character of a gambler who can simply without a second thought destroy another's future, kill the person who he could call a friend, who tries to find a girl that killed his family, the girl that allowed a low level soldiers to have fun with his sister. And then when he finally found out who it was, he simply closes his eyes after one little rampage because of the words from people he literally knew for less than a week( I do understand he knew some of them more, but that is beside the point), simply because she changed... Also I don't understand the way he was simply defeated. Let me remind you that according to all logic he had a few minions in his casino, so it should be easy for him to change places with them, but here under the threat from Snake he simply gives up. And then complies with all her words without at least complains. In short, thrown out of the window in the thrash bin.
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