Synopsis is fun. The first chapter is typical of many stories, but it is written interestingly, I hope the author will be able to get away from typical stories of this genre! And the story will go a different way and not the usual ... boring, long and incomprehensible. Judging by the first chapter, the author will probably be able to avoid this. But to judge this you need to read more. We go to the second chapter - alas ... it seems to repeat the previous stories of this genre ... but let's see chapter three, and here it seems that there are already other thoughts, copyright ... it's great. Young people think that simple words, common sense can defeat retrograde .... but alas ... common sense works differently, and old people live by their own concepts and laws in their heads. This chapter is already more interesting! Rivas? And why should he not bang, that is, kill the main character? She is blackmailing him, but he knows that there is no real power behind her ?! Piss off 15 year old girl ??? Even with red eyes ... and he is such a "cool" swordsman. If it’s “cool,” then it’s not so easy to deceive. Here something does not fit ... you need to think through a chapter in more detail. Marketing? In that era, they did not hear about him ... here the head does not seem to be worked out in my opinion ... no one will trust his money to a 15 year old girl and even a girl! In those days, gender relations were different than the 21st century. Even in the 18th and even the 19th century, relations were not equal. This should be considered! But if this is read easily, imperceptibly I read up to chapter 7! Definitely a very promising novel, I will include it in my library. I can share my thoughts on the novel, but they are subjective. Maybe the author will not like them, then I will just read))) respectfully
Liked by 7 people
LIKEHello! Thank you for the updates! I'm sorry if it's confusing about Rivas now, but actually, all the marketing and dealing with Iris happened in a state where Rivas was under a mind Control. This will be revealed in the future chapters, but your reaction to the Rivas thing is exactly the reaction I wanted from the readers. Confusion and nonsense, but all of this is to build the platform for the future chapters where this will be cleared nicely. Also, don't underestimate the red eyes, this novel is a fantasy one. You will see the Importance and effect of the red eyes soon Thank you for the review!
Also, please feel free to share your thoughts! I always appreciate them. By reading your comment, I learned that the reaction I wanted to induce in the readers is working out nicely. Similarly, I as an author would like to count on you to share your honest opinion, instead of baseless flattery. This way, through communication, I can find my weak points, and you can be cleared of any Confusion that you may have. Communication is important! 💖
Thanks for your reply! It was interesting! At the expense of the eyes I would like to know the explanation. While reading further, it is written excitingly! I will then share my thoughts unread! Respect!