
Review Detail of Eggy_does_writing in

Review detail


I've read 3 chapters so far and this story is alright. I like the idea of a MC who goes from despising the love interest to loving them (enemies to lovers trope). However, there were a few things that I didn't like about this story. My biggest issue was the bad grammar. It took me out of the story constantly. I understood the MC's childhood trauma (I experienced similar situations growing up) but it wasn't really something I would view as a good excuse for her hatred towards men. However, this could be a good starting point for some major character development for Sophie. I didn't like the MC too much but I hated Kayara and Anna a lot. I felt that those two were horrible people. Kayara and Anna both knew about Sophie's trauma but decided to use it against her in their prank. Sophie deserves better friends! Overall, this story was alright and I'm looking forward to reading more!


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