
Review Detail of GangikaKing in A plant's life

Review detail


Do not read this story if you have a weak heart or mind. Or if you like bunny’s and bears. The Author is ruthless. Not a bad story. But far too brutal and psychopathic for my liking. I can get behind an evil MC but I mean even Dexter was relatable to a degree. This dude is just not. This MC will choose to cripple, kill, or mentally decimate those he interacts with, solely to gain more knowledge through experimentation. Make no mistake though, he is no more than a parasite leeching of the bodies of those in which he inhabits. I was engaged and inthralled at first, especially with the concept of the seed merging with his soul, but eventually I got sick of the heartless and meaningless slaughter. Especially after the author goes out of his way to develop the families and relationships of characters in which he plans to kill off. Very interesting concept, but like I said, the MC is far too brutal for me to actually enjoy this.


A plant's life


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POV: Your a sadist and you find this story