Okay. Okay. Okay. Just a little over 150 chaps. This novel is great, the author has a superb ability to write. His/her description of fight scenes, the wider world and even character interactions are vivid and inviting. The MC is powerful but still very much human, he isn't infallible and invincible which the author clearly underlines was his intention. Typically, I'm in summoning novels for the OPness but the author has devised a story captivating enough for me to read and enjoy without OPness in the way I'm used to. For all the above, Kudos to the author. It seems the author intended to subvert cliche tropes of typical webnovels, japanese or otherwise, and the work does exactly that... but not much else. It doesn't even do that all the time. For example, it is a well known trope in japanese web novels, for a beautiful girl or heroine to have a fondness for the MC for no apparent reason other than the fact that he is the MC and then for the MC to not know what to do with the affection. In this novel, the MC knows what to do, but the fact that the beautiful girl has an inexplicable soft spot for MC from the start of the novel in the first place means that the story perpetuates the trope it is trying to subvert. Most side characters don't get enough screen time that we understand why they are the way they are and their own background. Their unique quirks, likes, upbringing and character flaws are not aired out enough to allow any nuance beyond the basic. This translates to stereotypical side characters which seem to defeat the novel's commentary on WN. We have the person that hates MC for no real reason, babe that likes MC for no real reason, there is even a female in the first few chapters who tries to go out with MC because he beat her in a duel. Ridiculous. The MC's character is so bland I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a line-up. We don't see him experimenting with his abilities which is a great shame because his powers are based on his imagination. He can summon anything he creates (draws and specifies, I think) so the process of creating something to summon would be a unique experience this novel could have capitalised on. Instead, he seems to show up with a new power every time there is a fight and then says it was created after the fact. The lack of imagination for the MC's summon ability shocks me. The author limits the summoning to only constellations and within that, it is either some basic animal or a weapon. And all the destructive weapons are effectively nukes. There could have been more series of summons based on MC's first life on earth. Greek mythology, Egyptian, heck even Lovecraftian and monsters from games, there is so much the author could have drawn from, but they didn't. So though the summons are good, it is hard to see MC's power as anything other than wasted potential. Even with the above, this story would still be a solid 4- 4.3, that is just how great author's writing is. However, the author uses the MC and the wider story as a vehicle for venting frustrations at WN culture. They do this through frequent fourth wall breaks and whilst this is good for cracking jokes, touching on serious issues such as online bullying and even the occasional satire to drive the novel's parody element home, it is so frequent that it feels less like a positive contribution to the story and to us as readers and more like the author whining, b*tching or ranting about the experiences that they have had online. I I know how bad readers and users of these platforms can be. It seems the author has personally experienced these horrors. That is terrible and I offer my deepest condolences. However, this is not the right platform to address those issues. This really holds this novel back, it damages the sense of immersion and is equivalent to hijacking the story for Author's agenda. Even when readers console the author, he goes and does it again. This repetitive cycle only served to destroy this novel's potential.
Liked by 1 people
LIKE"the beautiful girl has an inexplicable soft spot for MC" "the story perpetuates the trope it is trying to subvert." - except that she dies. So... "He can summon anything he creates (draws and specifies, I think)" No. You are completely mistaken. I have explained this over and over and over again. He cannot summon anything he creates. He has to base his summoning on a certain theme and adhere to specific rules regarding that theme. It's not "anything goes." That is why I "limits the summoning to only constellations and within that" because that is the limit. He can't summon anything he creates or draws, he can only summon within a specific theme that he focuses on. However, he is given a lot of flexibility on how he wants to design those summoned beasts, as long as they fit within the theme or its framework. You are right. This novel's potential is destroyed. If you wish for me to delete it, you can email the Webnovel staff and request that my editor remove the story. However...what is a story if not a vehicle for an author's agenda? That complaint of yours makes no sense. Of course the story will be about my agenda - whose agenda would it be then? The readers'? Whatever the case, I understand that you want the story deleted, but to achieve that, you need to contact the right people - the staff. Writing a review doesn't really do anything, I'm afraid. I'm very sorry for ever thinking I can write a story, and I will endeavor to remove it as soon as possible.
On the subverting of a trope. You don't seem to get my point. Whether she dies later on or not is immaterial. What matters is that the trope of beautiful, popular girl --arguable belle of the school-- happens to have that unexplained soft spot for MC still happens in your novel. That's my point. It isn't relevant whether you kill her off or not because you have already perpetuated the trope. In the same way, a female choosing to date MC because he beats her is a trope, which your novel exhibits, her graciously accepting the rejection after the fact is irrelevant because you have already subjected the story to the trope. I said 'ridiculous' because for a story that seems to aim to subvert tropes, it is ridiculous that it, at times, perpetuates those tropes instead. I should have clarified that, I apologize. On the summon powers. I remember you'd mentioned in the comments of a few chapters that the theme was constellations and that MC can only work within this but I don't remember the reason for that being explained in the novel itself. Maybe I missed it, but I could have sworn there was no mention of that at all in the actual novel. If I am wrong, I apologize. On the destruction of potential. I'll be blunt, your comments have made my point for me. Clearly whatever happened to you in the past has fvcked with your self-esteem as a writer. I'm really sorry you have to produce work in such a world, and webnovel needs to do more to crack down on motherfvckers who don't only troll on authors. That being said, your esteem is so weird that it means you get in your own way. I can't say it is bad or low because if it was then you would have stopped writing by now as from the inception of this novel, you've talked about people telling you to not write the story or saying how much of a sh*t writer you are. But here we are, 500+ chapters later and you still post chapters every day so clearly your esteem is not as bad as one would think. Stories are worlds created by authors. If the author wishes to express an opinion, expose an injustice or propose a view, then the weave into their work through the interactions of characters or a system of thinking and since these issues can be emphasised with, they serve to make a novel even stronger. It is why the whole muggle thread in Harry Potter endears it to so many; at its core, it is about discrimination. You can integrate your frustrations into your story through these ways and they would have made it stronger. This in a way is furthering an author's agenda and honestly, it is the most effective way to do it. Instead you've chosen to simply rant through fourth wall breaks and honestly, it just makes it seem like you are b*tching to us. It only makes your story weaker. The problem is that you rant about the same issues and topics over and over and you do so on a tangent separate from the plot. So, your rants bear little relevance to your audience. What I think is even worse is that you are so quick to jump to extremes and then draw conclusions on those extremes that it forces others to have to pacify you. For example, all I said in my comment was that your frequent ranting has destroyed the novel's potential. Some authors would take that to mean they should consider reducing the ranting. But you took it mean me saying that you need to delete your story and then proceeded to talk about the procedure for deleting your story. That's crap. I never mentioned that, never even insinuated it. You did and then you went on a tangent about it. And I've noticed that in other situations, the reader would then tell you the good points of the story so that you don't delete it. It is a clever form of manipulation that you have mastered. It puts the other person on the defensive and means you don't have to take criticism. What's worse is that it makes me wonder whether all those past instances of cyber abuse and bullying that you cited weren't just you misinterpreting what the other person meant. Well, that
What the heck?! Look at all the reviews I have. The rating of this story is 2.1. Almost all, if not all my reviews and ratings are negative. And you accuse me of "a clever form of manipulation" that I mastered because I don't delete the good points of the story that the readers tell me? Excuse me? Look, if you are going to accuse me of vote/rating manipulaton, you might want to get your facts right because I have never manipulated anything. If I misunderstand, because quite frankly, I don't know what you are accusing me of manipulating, then sorry. But that's a really awful accusation to make. Also, I don't write everyday. I wrote about a few hundred chapters in one go, then published them. I have a stockpile. I haven't written this story in a long time, but it updates automatically because I scheduled my stockpile of chapters. If you want me to stop posting everyday, let me know and I will delete the 50-100 drafts I currently have (I can't remember because I haven't touched this story in a long time). I have a bunch of readers demanding that I delete the story, and I got fed up with the harassment so I stopped. I should have deleted the stockpile, sorry about that. Stupid of me to leave all the chapters still scheduled for daily update, but I guess I was either too lazy to delete them all or I just didn't want to log into Inkstone to look at my story. I think you mistake the definition of subverting a trope. Subversion of a trope is me playing around by leading people to expect something (oh, hey, this is gonna be the heroine! Oh hey, this girl is going to stubbornly chase after the protagonist even though he rejects her because that's what happens in every other story!) and then dropping a bomb on them later to catch them by surprise. What you seem to propose is that I don't use the tropes at all. That's not subverting the trope, you don't subvert a trope by making it absent. If not, then I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by subversion. Because for me to subvert a trope, I need to introduce it into the story first and then twist people's expectations of it. Not...I don't know, avoiding the trope entirely. And come on, look at comments like this: "This piece of **** novel is still going...wow, shameless as **** lol" or "Bro just delete your ****, your novel and your ideas of a story is a waste of space. You cant write a fucking novel about summoning you piece of horse ****..." or "Shit Shit Shit This book is **** To think I had such high expectation for such a ****ty book" and tell me I don't get pressured to stop writing and delete my story. Of course I wouldn't want to log into Inkstone and update, never mind deal with the whole process of deleting all the scheduled drafts (which I have to do one by one, apparently, because there is no freaking Delete All button). I don't know if you heard about Royal Road, but I deleted all my stories there because I received comments and 0.5 ratings everyday. So I do want to delete my story. Unfortunately, Webnovel isn't conducive for it, which is why you get this illusion that I'm still updating everyday when...to be frank, I'm not.
*sighs* On subverting a trope. I think we are talking about different tropes. Think that is what it is. I was talking about the trope of the heroine liking the MC for no reason and the whole defeating a female only for her to ask you out trope. Looks like you are talking about a different one entirely. For the manipulation. I don't mean ratings. Honestly, most readers on this webnovel don't give enough novels a chance but that's a different discussion. What I mean is, whenever readers give a chapter real criticism, you are quick to jump to extremes and then the reader responds back by basically defending your novel by emphasising it's good points. Ngl, sh*t is clever because by you saying stuff like "i know I'm a terrible writer" "My story doesn't make any sense" you (intentionally or not) manipulate the reader into defending your story on your behalf. Can't lie, it is grade A stuff, some of the finest manipulation I've ever seen in my life. ππΎReally good stuff. There's other stuff I want to say but we keep misunderstanding each other and it takes time to type this story out so I'll just say: You story was good while it lasted, it is a shame to see it go if you really are going to delete it. It is what it is though, good luck for the future.
Yeah. I need to use the tropes to subvert them. The heroine likes the MC for no reason...only to die because it turns out she's not the heroine after all. That's a subversion of the trope. I wrote it in a manner that led you to expect that she's the heroine...except that in reality she's not the heroine. I subverted the trope by turning it on its head. That's how subversion works. It wouldn't have worked if I avoided the tropes entirely. Similarly for the defeating a female only for her to ask him out trope - readers expect her to get all obsessed and constantly throw herself at the protagonist to seduce him...only for her to move on like any normal person would. It wouldn't have worked otherwise. That's what I mean by subverting the tropes. You recognize these characters (archetypes) or scenarios for what they are - and of course you're supposed to expect certain outcomes with regards to them. Except that I don't give you those outcomes and pull the rug out from under you. Otherwise how does subversion of the tropes work? By not writing about them? That's not subversion, that's avoidance. I don't expect readers to defend my story on my behalf. That's just...insane. People call my story s***, I raise my hands and agree with them that I'm a s****y writer, of course I don't expect them to defend my story. I expect them to go away, satisfied after putting me down (some people feel good after attacking others...the very definition of bullies, and I'm tired of dealing with bullies - best solution is to let the have their way). I could argue with them, of course, but how will that benefit me? They will insist that I'm terrible and delusional and continue to harass me. You've seen the comments calling for me to delete the story or calling it s***/garbage or the character is idiot, calling me shameless for continuing to write the story, etc. I can even name many of them. ShaneM25, Ariq, GhostyZ, AncientBeing. And God forbid you look at the paragraph comments where I have over hundreds of complaints where readers scream at either my protagonist for being stupid or me for writing such a stupid story/having such a stupid setting (the way tournaments are held that put the summoner at a disadvantage such as not allowing to summon before the match or some BS or complaining over something as trivial as my protagonist wearing glasses). They actually demand that I change this or write that, all sorts of contradictory suggestions given in a condescending manner. How else am I supposed to respond to them? I agree with them so that they would just drop the story and leave me alone rather than continue trolling. Unless they want to waste their time reading a story they think is s*** or boring, or continue whining about a stupid protagonist, then I see no reason why they would continue to hang around after I confirm that my story is as terrible as they think it is. Do you really believe that people making such juvenile comments, swearing and insulting me/the story/protagonist would ever have the decency to "defend" my story? And since they make up the majority of my readers, it's safe to assume that they are correct. Majority wins, and all that. Very few readers like my story, and the positive comments tend to be from over a year ago. I have given up on people providing any positive feedback whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing positive about my story. I wrote it to vent my anger, to alleviate my boredom, for fun, not to...I dunno, craft a masterpiece or something. Of course I didn't give much thought into it. And now that I have ranted what I wanted, I'm done with it. Well, given my complete lack of intelligence, I am prone to misunderstanding stuff, so sorry about that.
I wasn't going to reply until I realised you were trying to explain what a trope is to me. I know what a trope is. It seems you select bits of my responses and focus on them. Fair enough. Yes, to an extent, you have to use a trope to subvert it but we are talking about different tropes. I've already said this. In your story, the belle had a soft spot for MC for no reason. Subverting it could be that they are actually close friends, or the Belle doesn't feel that way at all. It doesn't discredit what you did by killing her off, but if you do kill her off, that doesn't change the fact that the trope I am talking about is perpetuated. For example, there is a trope that a hero has to save the damsel in distress and then there is a trope a damsel and the hero that saved her fall in love and live happily ever after. The two are different. The first is subverted if the hero makes it to the girl only to find out she saved herself. The second is subverted if he saves her but then dies right after and they don't live happily ever after, or if she says "I still don't like you" after he saves her. I'm saying that your story at times perpetuated tropes and gave an example similar to the first one. You are saying that your story subverted the trope because the second one is subverted. I hope that clarifies my point because even if the second is subverted, the first still exists. As for the negative comments. I can't lie, I have not seen any of the comments you are talking about, I've seen negative ones but none that say you should stop writing, but maybe that is because I haven't looked properly. So I'll take your word for it. I think we think differently on a fundamental level, I think if someone bullies you and you do what they say, then they win, you think it is better to give up. Ultimately, it is your story and your choice but I'll just say, you need to believe in yourself and love yourself a little more, otherwise life will be more painful than it should be.
Okay, if that's what you mean, then I see what you mean. I wanted to subvert something else, not what you think I should subvert. As for negative comments, have you not seen the other reviews, as well as the stuff ShaneM25 said in Chapters 6 and 7?
So I checked out Shane25's comments and they were unnecessarily nasty, so now I'm exchanging insults with him. I really want to rile him up and see how far I can take this. Ngl, I'm having fun, though from the caliber of insults he dropped, it feels like he/she is still a child. The internet emboldens so many idiots these daysπππππππ€¦πΎββοΈ
Actually, I think it's best if you avoid him totally. He's not worth wasting your time on.
I feel you, I really do, and normally I wouldn't even waste my time but I'm having so much fun ππ. Plus, I know how hard it is to create something from nothing and if I can rile him up just a little, I'll be more than satisfied