
Review Detail of Lize in The Mightiest Leveling System

Review detail


I already read the original.. And it is tooo much.. The mc is tooo idiot.. He "weak".. if not because plot armor he already die multiple time.. It is irritating me.. Facing a dragon who is faaaaarrrrr more stronger than you.. and arrogantly asking for dragon blood.. And the three faction beside long family is stupid.. They can kill the mc.. but you know what? They dont.. Mc doesnt have anything to back him up.. but they are not doing anything.. His long family is stupid too.. is there any need for dragon blood? If yes.. why when he is being assasinate no one is helping him or finding about the culpirt? But no they humiliating him.. even after he show them that he is strong.. he still called waste.. i think the author is the one who is waste.. The level of idiocy in this novel is too much.. If you like story that have reckless mc and have very strong plor armor.. so strong that making it look illogical.. go ahead and read it..


The Mightiest Leveling System


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