
Review Detail of Orthanos in END Initiated...

Review detail


I love how the MC is challenged. No really... This MC has such mixed luck that his life might be a Gatcha game or like his fate is determined by a fortune cookies. That is how randomly good and bad his encounters are. Watching how he rolls with the challenges, might make you think he has a death seeking habit with his life. Well what i mean to say is that, this isn't some cheesey MC with bull**** good luck with a smooth journey. No this dude has to deal with life!!! Shocking concept I know. Sometimes you may get frustrated with him, But he's real character. MC does not feel forced nor is the story forced. It has a delicate balance that few originals or fanfics have. I put this story development with Dragonborn Saga and the like. Good Job Author.


END Initiated...


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