Not another one of them demon king novels again! Demon king this, demon king that. Reasons to read this novel: None Reasons not to read the novel: Aplenty I hereby rest my case
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LIKEActually it is hard to comment on a novel if you have to read it everytime first. Thats why synopsis is important. Its whats decides whether your story is interesting or even worth spending time reading. And im not saying this because i believe authora should slave away for readers. No. I say this because there is a million novels out there. And the only way to stand out is by showing how great your story is in the shortest time possible. Even if there are people who would dive in a novel before commenting on it or deciding to drop it they would still filter out things based on the introduction. For example if i see a introduction that sounded like a poetic literature i knew that it was going to be a the traditional Chinese s***. So i immediately skip to the next one on the search list. I hope authors would treat introductions seriously!!!
khmeryin:Honestly im into cuckolding too, nice fetish; but why you rating on something you haven’t even read? It not really a demon king novel, more like dungeon building with humorous gaming elements. At least it not a girly romance novel.