It's not really heavy on spoilers but I'll check it anyways. Also, this review was a lot longer than what I thought I was going to go for. But whatever. It's alright. This story is alright. Which equates to high to peak mid. Really liked the beginning, how he was over working himself and how Pete got out of that funk thanks to Felicia and the man, the Myth, the Legend, Stan Lee. Felt very natural and real. BUT! I got bored as soon as it pretty much stopped being about Spider-Man. Seriously he's a background character now. He's there to take up a room and warm up a bed at Avenger's Tower. I mean, you could show like, maybe a small scene of this dude catching fly-away pigeons and other small scenes of him doing random Spidey shenanigans, occasionally. I'd be happy with him simply saying hello to a civilian. Give the man more presence. He's being anchor solely by this naturally forming harem. Thoughts on the harem itself? I don't got much input on it. It's forming "naturally" I guess. As naturally as the author can possibly make it. I'm generally not a fan of harems. But it wasn't what I came for so it doesn't really effect my rating of this. Ah wait! I have one thing to mention about the harem. Black Widow. Her and Pete's relationship is a lost cause. To me. She doesn't fit. It's just how she's written here. In my honest opinion, I think the author did very poorly in trying to connect her with Pete. I love Black Widow. I REALLY do. It would have been interesting to see her connect with Pete. But I just can't see it happening without Divine Intervention. Which has already taken place really. I mean, from beginning to end, the only thing holding their connection together is the fact that Nat felt like she could be comfortable talking with someone who didn't know she was Black Widow. Fast forward, despite not really telling him much about herself and being far more connected to her team than to him, she loves the kid. I mean, seriously? That was a set up for being friends, minimum or maybe good friends, maximum. That. Is. NOT. Enough for this to work. It looks awkward. It makes the drama currently going on between them look ugly. Seriously, when cold shoulders were being thrown, I was like, "Yeah this is too much trouble for what it's worth. Move on bro." It pains me to say this but... You're better off sinking that whole ship and finding someone else.
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