
Review Detail of Kenrio in The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Review detail


a good dxd fanfic bit os by author giving the vest waifu to others and even focusing on these side character that take these waifu. the side character of this fic have more development than the mc so the author transformed in the type of fic that most reader simple fast reading without caring too much about the content in chapter focused in side character


The Holy Chronicles of Baator


Liked by 4 people




If you are searching for a novel where MC gets all women in the story then this is not for you. When I was choosing the "waifus" I my main criteria were Power and Usefulness to MC and Compatibiltiy. I know lot people are upset with Tiamat, so I can only say one thing, get over with it. Also, this story will focus a lot on other characters too, as many of them are interesting in their own way, and would be very important in later Volumes. I wanted to develop something more than just fanfic that only has one character which is MC. And about development of MC... he has a little one in terms of personality as he didn't need it really. He isn't some kind of emotionally unstable weeb, who needs to acclimatize or his personally undergoes huge change... only small ones later in the story but that is all.


I hope you don't make a mistake that destroys the book...at times listen to the readers


Ayo people complained about the Tiamat thing?! I didn't even notice.

Trafford:If you are searching for a novel where MC gets all women in the story then this is not for you. When I was choosing the "waifus" I my main criteria were Power and Usefulness to MC and Compatibiltiy. I know lot people are upset with Tiamat, so I can only say one thing, get over with it. Also, this story will focus a lot on other characters too, as many of them are interesting in their own way, and would be very important in later Volumes. I wanted to develop something more than just fanfic that only has one character which is MC. And about development of MC... he has a little one in terms of personality as he didn't need it really. He isn't some kind of emotionally unstable weeb, who needs to acclimatize or his personally undergoes huge change... only small ones later in the story but that is all.

You know, when people hear DxD everyone just wants to have Issei's version on steroids with pokémon catching... it's so annoying... and of course, everyone wants to have MC that sleeps with "waifu" within three chapters after meeting her for the first time. And Lemons. Unfortunately, Webnovel doesn't allow ban you users from accessing your story :D

Pure_R18_Terror:Ayo people complained about the Tiamat thing?! I didn't even notice.