
Review Detail of daniil_me in Ah Chun: Ascending The Heavens

Review detail


In my opinion this novel is in dire need of rewrite. First and foremost SAMSARA TWIST IS BAD IN ITSELF AND IS DONE BADLY TOO. Author literally swaps protagonist with different person and on top of that forces her into love out of the blue. Moreover it's like only thing she took out of 99 different lives thousands of years each is her love for male lead and change of personality and nothing useful at all. Second thing is that after that story suddenly becomes sweet cancer inducing shojo. And that is where I am at now. I may sound a bit angry and I am, because start looked really nice and world seemed to be deep enough, although plot is forced to happen quite boldly and characters don't have any depth in the yet. And last bit is nitpicking: the boundaries of mc's talent fluctuate significantly for the story's sake.


Ah Chun: Ascending The Heavens


Liked by 4 people




**. I think better way to do samsara would be: she was forced to observe her would be life like 5 times from 3rd person. And without following romance. it's just stupid.


Or even better way to do it would be to let her old self to pass 1\2\3 skills\techniques from all lives and a letter to her young self as a reward for her soul\mind not breaking in the process of repeated reincarnations without memory wipe.


A little update at ch140: cultivation part is very good But I think that instead of acting badass she is acting mean to random people and beating up anyone she doesn't like consequences be damned. It is really off-putting. So I want to say goodbye.