
Review Detail of Wolvasa in

Review detail


This is a review I found on on another website about this book. New kelicant  Sep 30, 2019 Status: c25 The story in a single line is "A strategist who makes every mistake wins because of plot armor". The setting is the best competitive League of Legends player gets transported to a world where heroes fight in battlefields similar to league of legends (bases/lane + jungle/turrets/minions+jungle monsters). The heroes get to treat normal people however they want. The MC is summoned as a hero but has none of the hero power. The story quickly becomes like a shounen, where dreams and friendship allow the MC to ignore the powerlevels that the settingestablished. In the big battle for the country's fate, the MC turns down the powerup that would come at the cost of princess' life, and then proceeds to use a mortal's strength to swordfight a hero who can cut mountains in half because he uses his "pro gamer prediction" abilities. And he wins because the princess' love for him lets her shield him even though that breaks their laws of physics. And the enemy that kills thousands of children and bathes in virgin blood is only thrown in jail and the kingdom is now happy. The story is rather shallow: the MC adapts instantly, the princess falls in love immediately, the enemy is given a backstory to explain her actions which is never brought up again in any way, the citizens accept anything that happens, etc. The story can't decide if it wants to be a grim fantasy with the betrayals/raping/blood sacrifices or a shounen where none of the important characters actually die/ the traitor feels sorry and is forgiven/and the MC's motivation is for everyone to be happy and wants to win fairly even when the opponents are cheating/massacring innocents. I'm not a fan of the story or the MC but some people may like it. 


Liked by 14 people




yeah, wanted to write the exact same review. I would like to mention BS moment when he predicted respawn of monster down to a nanosecond (as I understood, respawn cycle is 24 hours) and managed to lure enemy into this plot armored trap (and advertisment managed to lure me into this plot armored novel). And after that he "overcame" 8 lvl difference... yeah, speed, strength and reactionthat are actually multiple times of his lost to home-made sword art. I don't agree that anyone could possibly like so much BS plot armor.


Thank you, the review I was looking for.