Honestly, after reading all the stellar reviews here, I'm wondering if we all read the same thing. It's been 300 chapters and the female lead is yet to actually do anything. She has never once taken any actions for herself instead, just reacts to whatever is going on around her. -The Emperor is pursuing her, she frowns, she's annoyed: Does nothing -Prince Yi stares at her, she frowns, wants to go home: Does nothing. -Her maid lies to her, she frowns, is amused: Does nothing. -She gets drugged, she's angry, understandably furious: Does nothing -The ML's mother strangles her, she's annoyed, a bit scared: Does nothing. -The ML ignores the fact that his mother strangles her, she's pretty much forgotten about this event and so: Does nothing. -She becomes the Empress after doing absolutely nothing: Does nothing -She's been deceived by everyone around her and is annoyed: Does nothing. ....In conclusion, this is a protagonist that does absolutely nothing in the story and yet, this is a story about her??? To be honest, I kept reading because I was bored and thought she would develop some kind of personality down the road. Well, she didn't.
Liked by 5 people
LIKEThank you for giving it a try~...As far as her not doing anything. Well, even though she is the "main character", the story is less about her and more about what is happening around her - her role really was just to bring us into this world and this storyline of the Emperor's - honestly, he's the actual main character of the story while it's more like she's the gateway into his world, more is obviously happening in his life than hers...So the story really isn't about her, she's just player amongst other players - a gateway one, that brings us into a story that's much bigger than her as an individual... Hmm, now that you mention it, perhaps I should change the synopsis so it shifts the focus from her although that will be hard to do without spoiling stuff 🤔....Hm , we'll see~...Again, thanks for giving it a try!🤗🤗
may be is lazy eggs🥚 like me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 N just follow the surrounding activities